kisedd wrote:I agree that the Karavan formations were not tight. People kept hanging in the back and they would get adds and that made the formation string out into a long line. People need to learn how to keep up with the leaders and move. Just because you get argo, doesn't mean you stand in one place like a dead lump.
Unless you a) die or b) are stunned.
I've been in groups where I would be near the back, and getting killed before I see the creature on the radar - or I would get stunned. Also, I'd like to point out that, with collision detection in this game, keeping up with the leaders would often mean being one big ball if everyone actually managed it. In this case, it's more likely to draw an aggro and more of them when running past certain mobs.
That's one thing I'd say in these situations...
Group leaders:
NEVER underestimate the power of the mob spawns or critical strikes they can make on players before they have a chance to do ANYTHING.
ALWAYS watch YOUR train. As the leader it is your duty and it is YOUR responsibility to make sure everyone makes it alive. Now, in REAL combat this would be the ideal we strive for, but in this GAME a single homin down in the wrong place can cause chaos. If the line appears to be too long then stop and wait, if you've got so many people that the lines are so huge, then you've got plenty to take on any aggro that might want to grab you while you're standing around.
DO NOT get pissy with people that unintentionally draw aggro. They are doing everything that they can to keep up, but collision detection makes it hard for people in the back of large groups - ESPECIALLY when going around non-aggros and fauna!! IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT. Allowing yourself to get upset will only cause more problems later, and the people that get yelled at will either get pissy right back at you, or get upset silently and harbor it for a later time (then it gets real bad in the big fight).
Now, if all we are talking about here is run in and slaughter, then there are probably enough aggro hanging around that nothing you do will keep them back. USE COLLISION DETECTION TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!
Make a circle two or three homins wide of your melee, keep your ranged and magic users INSIDE THE CIRCLE at all times. This will NOT allow the mobs inside the circle to your casters - and the casters can focus on keeping fewer melee (the outer rim of the circle) healed.
This circle can be made into a straight line attack IF you have enough melee to cover from one wall to another, and enough casters to keep them all healed. That'd take a real force group, but would be the best idea in smaller areas.
Just a few ideas.
- N