I am Elizabeth from leanon. Please help with a vote:
Thank you very much

anith21 wrote:
But roleplay is a feeling. And to give you feelings with words I need more than black letters and white paper! I need colors, I need a picture from me, I need ryzomfeeling like the green here. Its difficult do explain. When I go to the forum in atys.ryzom.com no text is in my head and in my heart.
You are right of course, that splitting information not good. When the feeling there was more like here ...
one more thing:
Thats my diary on atys: A moment
... i can`t edit it now, I can`t write in it ... That hurts me! You can`t imagine!
Voting against something that was already decided is a bit futile, but we are always open to hearing your opinions and suggestions provided that they are presented in a calm and reasoned mannercushing wrote:P.S.: And if you wonder why I write this in the Aris forum - the respective thread on the Leanon forum is closed already, as without a doubt it will be here soon).
Well, you very rarely will see me less than calm and reasoned, although I can be quite acidly in a calm and reasoned (and well-mannered) way. In this case, however, the thread was closed by reference to WinchGate's decision. So I really posted my contribution here because I wanted to give an indication of my feelings towards the new forum, nothing else. It has a lot to do with resignation, in a way, for I know well I can't change anything. But then it also has to do with passion - for the game and for RP on Atys (and what's RP without passion?). Things will not get easier by the new forum, and indeed RP will be exiled, with all connections to what happened until now contorted, sometimes broken. I see this with quite a lot of sadness, I have to confess.boroshi wrote:Voting against something that was already decided is a bit futile, but we are always open to hearing your opinions and suggestions provided that they are presented in a calm and reasoned manner![]()