Simple to use \save backup system

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Simple to use \save backup system

Post by ffxjosh »

Want to backup easily but keep forgetting, you could be 2 steps away from never losing your landmarks again! read on...


(windows only)
Step one:
Create a 'save01' folder in your ryzom dir
click here and chose SAVE. If your ryzom is in c:\program files\ryzom go to step three, if it is not go to step two
Step two:
right click the file and go 'EDIT' and change c:\program files\ryzom\save\*.* to whatever your ryzom folder is. do this on both sides. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE \Save\*.*
Step three:
If you want to backup now, open the file. MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT LOGGED IN AND HAVE PERMISSIONS TO EDIT THE FOLDER, if you want to schedual this backup go to step four, if you think you will remeber to back up often enough. you are done.
step four.
Run your task scheduar (start menu - if you don't know where it is, or can't find it. dont attempt it) Add the ryzombackup.bat, set a time and frequency and job done.

All your save items are now in c:\pogram files\ryzom\save001 ready for you to put back when you need them. if you shedual it to back up daily then you will always have the latest versions of your save

note: the .bat file is clean and works in W2K, XP and Vista. Please understand that I take no responsibilty if you mess something up. PM me here for help. best of luck ;)
Tyilin (formally known as Anatti, who was formally known as Tyilin) - Currently Playing Alt.

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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by meloner »

I vote for a sticky o/

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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by fiach »

Great post, unfortunately if I create a landmark, I CTD immediately, but will definately do this when the bug gets sorted. :)


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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by yemblin »

But, if it corrupts arent you just saving over a good copy? Can you make sure the files you are copying arent 0kb?
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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by ajsuk »

yemblin wrote:But, if it corrupts arent you just saving over a good copy? Can you make sure the files you are copying arent 0kb?
*nod* I use a simiplar system for every day or so but also keep seperate back up copies every so often of working versions.

Keeping a copy of the cfgs is an idea too.
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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by ffxjosh »

yemblin wrote:But, if it corrupts arent you just saving over a good copy? Can you make sure the files you are copying arent 0kb?

From what i know, if the files are curropt they dont go to 0kb. therefor unpredictable to tell whether they are.

If someone can point out otherwise i will add the code into the file and re-upload. no problem :)

Also, 99% of the time the files get curropted while ingame (I.E CTD) so as long as you don't backup while playing. you should be fine.
jayce wrote: Keeping a copy of the cfgs is an idea too.

client.cfg should be the same for everyone so easy enough to replace the other config (from what i know and seen on forums etc) very rarely gets screwed by the client. but backing them up can't harm. (having said that, before most patches i backup my entire Ryzom dir. yes i know. i'm a freak ;) )

PS. whats simpilar that double clicking an icon?
Tyilin (formally known as Anatti, who was formally known as Tyilin) - Currently Playing Alt.

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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by jared96 »

For those who may be uncomfy w/ bat files or worried about overwrites, here's a simple, albeit manual solution. Can be done in conjunction with bat method to provide a restore point. Definitely do before patches.

Open the Ryzom\Save directory in Windoxe Explorer or PowerDesk (Freebie from V-Vom). Highlight all the files in the directory, then using PowerDesk, right click, select Powerdesk\Zip. If using Windows Explorer just use whatever method you use to zip.

The file will default to so I make it like Do it in a week or a month and save with new date. Delete whatever ones get too old.
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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by iceaxe68 »

Here's my version of the same thing, a bit more verbose but maybe a touch easier for non-programmers. Save it in a .bat file and double click...

@echo off
echo ****************************************
echo ****************************************

REM Set your Ryzom install directory here
REM use the 8 char DOS form "nnnnnn~1" for long names
set RYZOMDIR=c:\progra~1\ryzom\

REM This is the save directory in the Ryzom install
set SAVEDIR=save\

REM remove previous backup
echo Deleting previous backup...
rmdir /Q /S %RYZOMDIR%backup

REM This will be the name of the new backup directory
set BACKUPDIR=backup\

REM Create the new backup directory

REM copy files to the new location
echo Copying save files to %RYZOMDIR%%BACKUPDIR%
I had a script that saved in a new directory each time, creating a version history, but I got tired of it. I can post that if anyone is interested.
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Re: Simple to use \save backup system

Post by yemblin »

Finally figured how to add different names to folder. This will make a folder Save_MM_DD_YYYY.

set hour=%time:~0,2%
if "%hour:~0,1%"==" " set hour=0%time:~1,1%
set folder=Save_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10,4%
md c:\your ryzom dir here\%folder%

copy "c:\your ryzom dir here\save" "c:\your ryzom dir here\%folder%"

If you want Save_MM_DD_YYYY_HH-MM then use this:

You can add _%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2% to the end of the set folder variable.
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