(windows only)
Step one:
Create a 'save01' folder in your ryzom dirclick here and chose SAVE. If your ryzom is in c:\program files\ryzom go to step three, if it is not go to step two
Step two:
right click the file and go 'EDIT' and change c:\program files\ryzom\save\*.* to whatever your ryzom folder is. do this on both sides. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE \Save\*.*Step three:
If you want to backup now, open the file. MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT LOGGED IN AND HAVE PERMISSIONS TO EDIT THE FOLDER, if you want to schedual this backup go to step four, if you think you will remeber to back up often enough. you are done.step four.
Run your task scheduar (start menu - if you don't know where it is, or can't find it. dont attempt it) Add the ryzombackup.bat, set a time and frequency and job done.All your save items are now in c:\pogram files\ryzom\save001 ready for you to put back when you need them. if you shedual it to back up daily then you will always have the latest versions of your save
note: the .bat file is clean and works in W2K, XP and Vista. Please understand that I take no responsibilty if you mess something up. PM me here for help. best of luck