After clicking the "Play" button, the screen goes black and the loading screen does not show. I do see the Ryzom cursor and I can see activity on my DSL modem.
If I click the "Scenario Editor" button, I see the loading screen and it progress all the way to the last little status box or and then hangs.
Working with Boroshi and Androbia in Klients we narrowed it down to a networking problem somewhere.
When I used my broadband DSL connection, this issue occurred.
When I used the GPRS modem on my mobile phone everything worked ok (aside from the 18000ms ping :eek

It looks like an ISP issue somewhere but my question is: Can you tell me the full list of servers I should try to pingplot/traceroute to? And what, aside from pingplotting/tracerouting, should I be looking for to help my ISP troubleshoot this?
TIA (and pointers to existing posts that I was too dense to notice are welcome)!