simiant wrote:Oh its not that we dont want to explore and whatnot.. its just that its nice knowing what you are buying before you buy it, most of the time.. If i was say, thinking that I paid for the kind of game that this island is showing itself to be, and the actual game was different, then its not what i paid for, sort of thing.. see.
Let me first say that I haven't even finished downloading Ryzom yet, let alone played it.. but I want to comment on this...
Take this example; You goto the store and see a copy of WoW for sale.. You buy it because you've heared it was good.. Now, you install it and sign up.. whoops, they need your credit card.. so you pay, because your curious as to what the game is actually like..
How is that ANY different then the free tiral offered in this game? The only difference I can see is that Ryzom actually gives you "unlimited" free time to play, experience the game, meet people, etc.. before you shell out 15$ a month.. That's *ALOT* more then most games ont he market give..
The fact that people are actually complaining about a *FREE* trial boggles my mind.. its truly mind blowing
- Jacend