Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by neofuzz »

Perfect PvP? Stick all the players from the forums in a paint-gun weekend commando camp :p
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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by zzeii »

neofuzz wrote:Perfect PvP? Stick all the players from the forums in a paint-gun weekend commando camp :p
Sounds great! I'll make sure to bundle up in tons of layers and wear ski mask and all that to keep warm.
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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by uncus »

Open PvP in 100-200m radius of OWNED outposts. Of coarse, this means that the Devs would have to finally implement guild ownership of outposts...

Perhaps some guilds may even decide that their outpost is a "Free City" as it were and not allow PvP there - with gankers KoS to everyone else there. If part of outpost ownership is the ability to hire NPC guards, they should have a KoS/ignore/Assist flag that is set by the guildmaster - per person or per guild. Dunno how difficult that would be to program...???

One difficulty I see with a set radius is those outside that radius affecting those within that radius [they should not be able to heal nor harm anyone within from without the radius]. Maybe outposts will be walled with portals to enter/leave...???
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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by varelse »

uncus wrote:Open PvP in 100-200m radius of OWNED outposts. Of coarse, this means that the Devs would have to finally implement guild ownership of outposts...

Perhaps some guilds may even decide that their outpost is a "Free City" as it were and not allow PvP there - with gankers KoS to everyone else there. If part of outpost ownership is the ability to hire NPC guards, they should have a KoS/ignore/Assist flag that is set by the guildmaster - per person or per guild.
Actually, I had thought that's how PvP would be implemented in SoR, and that was high on my list of reasons to buy the game.
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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by gddss »

uncus wrote:Open PvP in 100-200m radius of OWNED outposts. Of coarse, this means that the Devs would have to finally implement guild ownership of outposts...

Perhaps some guilds may even decide that their outpost is a "Free City" as it were and not allow PvP there - with gankers KoS to everyone else there. If part of outpost ownership is the ability to hire NPC guards, they should have a KoS/ignore/Assist flag that is set by the guildmaster - per person or per guild. Dunno how difficult that would be to program...???

One difficulty I see with a set radius is those outside that radius affecting those within that radius [they should not be able to heal nor harm anyone within from without the radius]. Maybe outposts will be walled with portals to enter/leave...???
Now I like this idea. Certainly much better than the current plan for PvP.
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Re: What would you want PvP to be ?

Post by lyrah68 »

zzeii wrote:They could also have it similair to when you enter a zone you make the choice, or have it that you have to chose the 'pvp enabled/disabled' flag and then zone to have it take effect.

This would work too. Some way to AVOID the *imunity* La te dah *immunity off* *slap* *immunity on* La te dah (which is Horse manure in my much less than humble opinion).
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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by lyrah68 »

zzeii wrote:Sounds great! I'll make sure to bundle up in tons of layers and wear ski mask and all that to keep warm.

I want the Green armor colored paint balls. OOO ooo PLEASE! *raises arm in the air and waves it annoyingly*

I really LOVE this idea...Hmmm NON lethal PVP...Hmmmm some kind of point system. With a NON lethal range weapon, and options for NON lethal tag type weapons and spells. NA too complicated.

PVP to the PAIN, a BIG PINK splotch on your character for one hour post PVP death? Na. Ok I need sleep. NO more posting with four hours sleep or FIVE coffees. LOL
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Re: Whats your "perfect PvP" ? suggestion for the Devs....

Post by balsalt »

My personal feelings on PvP are already statedm no point in rehashing them again. But I saw a couple of ideas here I would add a comment on.

1) Make a PvP server for all those that want open PvP all the time.

Bad Idea, it only serves to do two things

a) Splinter and polarize and already small community further.

b) Skirts around the issue rather than solving it with a playable solution that fits the GAME MAKERS vision. For everyone that says "go find another game that already has PvP" the response can only be "Go find another game that has your variety of PvE". See non productive, lets see what the developer comes up with, as I am sure they don't have a desire to make the game unfun.

2) The second comment is immunity timers. you can make them 5 minutes long and I promise you there is a way to exploits them. In order to make them work, you actually have to keep the person engaged in PvP. Timers can be abused with in game speels like speed burst and out of game hacks. Timers can be defeated if you don't keep the Quit game timers longer. The very people you fear i.e Griefer/Ganker are the very people that most often study and exploit every angle until it becomes an inconveniance to the general population. Again bad idea.

The only solution I see at this point, concerning Open PvP areas, is a one time option, similar to EQ whereas you make the choice to be PvP or not. This is obviously far and beyond lees than a desirable one though.

when you play a board game, or a one player computer game, you have to adapt to the rules, not have them adapted to you (unless your a blatant cheater/hacker that uses god mode or steals money from the monopoly bank.)

Lets see what comes of it, since regardless how it plays out, someone will quit because it isn;t for them anymore. If Nevrax made any error,, it was waiting til after launch to decide to implement the PvP. Regardless of what may have been intended, it isn't what people have come to expect. That to is a Bad thing on Nevrax's part.
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