euwest wrote: my hope for the human race has just gone down the drain.
have fun with WoW.
wait!! You're faith in the human race was all centered around WoW being fun?!

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euwest wrote: my hope for the human race has just gone down the drain.
have fun with WoW.
No game will ever be perfect, because everyone's expectations are different.lyrah68 wrote:I am not sure ANY of them will deliver upon the FULL promise, but I will look, test, trial and see.
Sounds like you're pretty much tarring all MMORPGs with the same brush. Why do you play them at all, if that is the case? Why play Ryzom, for instance, if it's just another no-fun grindfest without the elusive 'Grail' of content, containing...euwest wrote:jksmith, WoW has no content either. it's got a poorly written script covering up the same mindless grinding that's in every MMO. WoW's got you jumping through hoops just to do more of the same. it's hilarious.
"certain quests unlock other quests, to form an intricate storyline"
so you FedEx this to him, and then he'll LET you FedEx THIS to this OTHER guy. wow, awesome. you're a lucky sob if you ask me. you know, you can get a job like that in real life! and that pays YOU a wee bit more than $15 a month to do it! hrm.
that is not content. that's grinding with a happy face in front. it's almost insulting that they consider this enough to entertain people. wait, it does. my hope for the human race has just gone down the drain.
have fun with WoW.
Also, you assume that WoW players are, for the most part, human. Reading the General chat in WoW tends to make me think otherwise.euwest wrote:the same mindless grinding that's in every MMO.
So very very very true.fellgrim wrote: Also, you assume that WoW players are, for the most part, human. Reading the General chat in WoW tends to make me think otherwise.![]()
neofuzz wrote:Can I have your stuff?![]()