Heya, I searched the forums and I didnt see a thread about this. Any news about there being ports for linux or mac?
Anyone have any info about this or possibly some links?
Other OS support?
Other OS support?
<Big Friendly Letters>
Dont Panic
</Big Friendly Letters>
Dont Panic
</Big Friendly Letters>
Re: Other OS support?
Although the developers have said they want to do this, and the engine is open source, we don't have any sort of timeframe at all.jestrzcp wrote:Heya, I searched the forums and I didnt see a thread about this. Any news about there being ports for linux or mac?
Anyone have any info about this or possibly some links?
Keep an eye on the ryzom.com news page - if an announcement is made, it'll certainly appear there first
- Virgil
Themis Group
Themis Group
Re: Other OS support?
Thanks!Virgil wrote:Although the developers have said they want to do this, and the engine is open source, we don't have any sort of timeframe at all.
Keep an eye on the ryzom.com news page - if an announcement is made, it'll certainly appear there first
I'd really like to not have to reboot
<Big Friendly Letters>
Dont Panic
</Big Friendly Letters>
Dont Panic
</Big Friendly Letters>
Re: Other OS support?
The game was originally designed to run in openGL, but there was some issues with ati cards running in openGL mode, that made the developers make a D3D version too.. In short; the game runs in either D3D or openGL.Chavez wrote:(Using an Apple here)
Does anyone know if the current client systems'
are using OpenGL/OpenAL? (versus DirectX)
My hopes for an OSX port would go way up
if that part at least was ready.
All I found on the NEL site was that they had
a Linux version of their base client software
(not RYZOM just the basic source) and also
were running it on a Linux/PPC box...
Hope this answered your question.
Last edited by rasmus on Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.