Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

What do you think are reasonable ways of addressing the fame-bug?

Delete tribes that were 'opened' via this bug
Personal rollback of fame to patch 1 (when bugs were introduced)
Opt-in rollback as above, open to all
Forced rollback for all
Just leave it - live and learn
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by gralen »

Just a quick real world (ha, as if any of it's real) example:

Maiden Grove Zoraï Civ Patroller:

Pre-Patch gave Zoraï fame only
Now gives Hamazan, Matis and Kami but NO Zoraï

This is a major problem but I'm going to predict that while it *may* be resolved such that missions give the correct fame again, there will be no fame reset and those of us with invalid fame will have no way to fix the problem other than to wipe our characters.
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by xmancer »

raynes wrote:Since you have done a lot of fame missions I am curious what level are you and what factions have you gotten so far. Besides the main ones I have managed to get Shadow Runners, Icon Worshippers, and Hamazans of the dead seed. I'm at level 72 melee and no one else seem to want to speak to me.
220/165/103/102/77/53 forage
75/68/56 melee 54/52 ranged
126/63/62/62 magic
crafting: all 65 or better, 5x101+

i have 100 global in zoraii, and with 5 tribes (personal zoraii is 91, racing zzei to personal 100 for home country... he'll likely win...)
kami 77/52 globe/personal
matis 52/44 g/p
+2 fyros +4 tryker global

things i have touched:
Dead Seed
Sacred Sap
Siblings of Weeds
Night Turners
Green Seeds
Eternal tree
Shadow Runners

plus the 3 accidental ones:
goo heads
masters of goo

AKs are now -87 for me, (down from the start of -66) so they should get aggro sometime soon
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by neofuzz »

When I find a new npc that will give me a mission, even if I don't like them or plan on bettering my fame with them, I still do that one mission. I am trying to slowly pick up every tribe on my fame list. Whether good or bad, whether I lose fame with one when I do missions for another... I don't really care. When I made my decision to support the Kami on my main character, I did so expecting there to be conflict with the enemies of the Kami. As such, I am unworried by bad fame with karavan affiliated factions. I fully expect them to try and cut me down, and soon enough I look forward to seeing them try. ;)
Jungle Thug, Ninja Forager, The Kami Champion who took a -164 personal Kami fame hit thx to the Fleeting Gardens fame bug (and cancelled my Ryzom account in protest).
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by raynes »

neofuzz wrote:When I find a new npc that will give me a mission, even if I don't like them or plan on bettering my fame with them, I still do that one mission. I am trying to slowly pick up every tribe on my fame list. Whether good or bad, whether I lose fame with one when I do missions for another... I don't really care. When I made my decision to support the Kami on my main character, I did so expecting there to be conflict with the enemies of the Kami. As such, I am unworried by bad fame with karavan affiliated factions. I fully expect them to try and cut me down, and soon enough I look forward to seeing them try. ;)

That's what I am trying to do. I found most of the camps but they just don't want to talk to me yet. :(
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by trollbod »

ahahahah, what do you want to change about the fame ?
it work great as it is. :D
all fames win or lose are explained by the story lines.

and even if you want to avoid a tribe,
it is logical that they've heared of you
if you are famous with an other tribe or civilisation.

there is no bug in all that, everything is logical.
you can't be famous in a tribe and unknow in the rival tribe :D .
there is spyes everywhere ahahahah.

enjoy the fame system like it is, I love it :D
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by xmancer »

trollbod wrote:ahahahah, what do you want to change about the fame ?
it work great as it is. :D
wow another illiterate troll, what a shock. did you actually read the threads?

Sytem fine. Individual missions bugged. Please fix 'em.

that few enough words for you?
Last edited by xmancer on Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by trollbod »

xmancer wrote:wow another illiterate troll, what a shock. did you actually read the threads?

Sytem fine. Individual missions bugged. Please fix 'em.

that few enough words for you?

yup yup heguna logidater huditera merdery haster
( this is my language, I will translate for you )
as I said, I didn't meet bugs with the missions.
personal fame
matis 29
fyros 82
kami 18
frahar hunters 37
water breakers 68

so, as you can see, I've made some missions.
I've done fight, forage, locate, go on a tour and delivers missions and all was fine to me.

you cry like a baby because you have some tribes in your list you don't want, but you will not be able to controle all the members of your guild, at a moment or an other, one of you will open it. ( or you are in a little guild of no interest ).
just report the bugged npc

gyreptec jedytar podfelxup jasfugan
( I will not translate this last sentence but it is specialy for you :D )
Last edited by trollbod on Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fame mission bug thingie now forwarded to Nervax

Post by xmancer »

[QUOTE=trollbod]you cry like a baby because you have some tribes in your list you don't want, but you will not be able to controle all the members of your guild, at a moment or an other, one of you will open it.[QUOTE]

No, i cry because doing a mission for a Zoraai NPC in a high level city, when that character has (A) previously given correct fame (B) is still dressed like a zoraii trooper (C) in a Zoraii office... but gives fame as if he were a Karavan tribesman (ie now gives fame ONLY for that tribe, not zoraii, nor anything else)

Everyone in our guild *knows* which tribes and NPC to do missions for, noone has broken ranks for 2 months, and even if someone ELSE talks to them, I wouldnt get screwed by it. If someone else opens it, my doing Kami missions WILL NOT affect the tribe going KOS to anyone.

Most of these things that went buggy - or started given radically different fame - post patch 1 are in high level Q200 and Q250 zones. You need to have skills 150 and 200+ to get to them. Found almost a dozen like that so far in zoraii lands. 2 in Matis lands (havent done exhaustive search there cause its *hard* to solo around places. working fyros now, and tryker later today or sunday.

Maybe they should make all NPCs give out random fame for everyone.
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I think i get the last laff

Post by xmancer »

<this space now intentionally left blank>
Last edited by xmancer on Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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