Shaded, a member of the german community took it upon herself to make a website with a public bug tracking system, where we, the players, are in control about what is going wrong and what could be better.
It works like this: Every player can make an account and send in Bugs, these are then rated as "Unconfirmed". Now when 3 other players have voted that this bug does exist it will be rated as "New".
Other ratings are:
Reported - Bug that has been reported via In-Game Ticket
Officially confirmed - Bug that has been confirmed by Nevrax or a member of your CSR team, and is either already known or forwarded to Nevrax
Resolved - Bug was fixed by Nevrax
Verified - The submitter of the bug has verified the solution as being satisfying
Closed - The Bug is officially fixed
these ratings can be changed by the original submitter or the admin.
This system is helpful in avoiding double submitted tickets, which only get you "it is already known" as response. Thus we don't only save ourselves work, but also our CSR-teams, who can then work faster and more efficient.
To make this work well many people should register so we get many opinions and votes on bugs. It will also be possible to send bugs that got many votes to Nevrax as priority bugs.
For anyone who just wants to take a look around exists this account:
User: Anonymous
Pass: Ryzom
As a closing note: Please write a very clear title and add a detailed descriptions of the bugs, detailed in a way that someone who is completely new to Ryzom can understand what the bug is about. Also try to use proper grammar and spelling.