sorry - you're wrong. There aren't enough people foraging to support the market. This will never ever work either because there is no point to raising money.
If I was a harvester rather than a crafter, why the hell would I want to sell my mats, rather than give them to my guild? What am I gonna spend the money on?
Thats apart from the fact that there just aren't the mats there in the newbie worlds for new crafters to get started.
If I just want to craft - why the hell should I be onto a loser??? Every other skill can be played solo so why should they limit crafting like this? I don't want to play a harvester - I find it very very tedious. Animal mats are still way too hard to get in the quantities requires to craft lvl with. Apart from the fact is very very hard to get decent quality mats from drops.
Unless this crafting gimp is sorted I can't see me playing my crafter characters - which will annoy me immensely.
Item prices going way up - patch 1 crafting disaster.
Re: Item prices going way up - patch 1 crafting disaster.
There are any number of problems with this (kindly put) (il)logic.jaggarot wrote:Ummm - let's put it nicely - you're wrong guys.
The route for crafting now is to harvest, then craft. No more grinding of NPC mats.
Harvesting has had a big boost and mob mat drops a leseer boost (they drop more and higher qual mats).
If you fight and craft - use animal mats to level craft.
If you harvest and craft - use harvested mats to level, and level on the highest qual items you can make.
If you just craft - you're on to a loser, but can get mats cheaper than before from players via the traders.
If anything , crafted prices seem to be going down, at least they will be once I start flooding the market!
One, we've already tried the harvest/fight then craft approach and it didn't work. Players spent 5x as much time (and exp) harvesting versus crafting until you hit 100 or so in harvesting when you get the higher pull-per-mat stanzas to give you large quantities of mats (along with the stupid forever-focus repatch which will just flood the market with mats, but that's another post), meaning realistic advancement is pretty much impossible in crafting until other skills hit high level. Same goes for fight. This is the same system we had before q50 mats hit the NPCs, or q100 mats now. I could count the number of crafters able to make q50 or q100 stuff on one hand as a result.
Two, if you want to buy from vendors, bulk grinding mats are just not available. I was leveling one of my minor jewelry trees today and bought every q50 piece of amber that wasn't outrageously priced. Found a grand total of 300 pieces. That's 3 levels of crafting. 3! Maybe you don't get the amounts, but when you seriously grind crafting you go through thousands of pieces of mats.
Three, while raw material costs (especially high end) will likely drop under patch 1+, there isn't going to be anyone left to craft the items given what I just described except those few already at high level. You simply cannot advance crafting at a low level any more given you go bankrupt trying. Two or three of us together could probably destroy any chance of other crafters going on the jewelry market ourselves if we decided to put up stuff at well below their costs and ignore the fact I've spent something like 15M dappers leveling the tree...there's no way they could afford to match it given no more missions to run.
Bascially, fewer crafters = higher costs. Pretty simple econ. And that's what we're heading towards. The flood of mats from the harvesting giveaway and vendors are lowering prices right now, but just wait.
Re: Item prices going way up - patch 1 crafting disaster.
And footnote:
CC experience has been fixed. 5 weeks later.
Everything else remains the same...or worse, a couple of missions are 1/2 of what they were before. And I hope the devs are paying attention.
CC experience has been fixed. 5 weeks later.
Everything else remains the same...or worse, a couple of missions are 1/2 of what they were before. And I hope the devs are paying attention.
Re: Item prices going way up - patch 1 crafting disaster.
Footnote two: Server went down briefly tonight to fix a bug that was allowing certain items to be crafted with lower chance of failure than normal. Why this is a priority I'm not sure, but one of the other bugs have been fixed, or even acknowledged.
And having spent several hours harvesting 500 q50 grind mats I'm ready to throw something at the PC. None were available on the market besides the 2x cost NPC version.
And having spent several hours harvesting 500 q50 grind mats I'm ready to throw something at the PC. None were available on the market besides the 2x cost NPC version.