How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by jjm152 »

swayzo wrote:You guys are missing the big picture they don't want you taking down big mobs anymore so stop. For one your armor is going to degrade fast.

Start challenging mobs 10-15 lvl under your lvl solo time buddys or bring a healer. Then challenge mob of equal level.

Like me I am lvl 60 Offensive Mage I can't take a lvl 60 mob.

But I can kill a lvl 51 mob for 2300 xp with a little trouble but not to bad. Have to pick the right mobs too. Just can't say ooh that lvl 51 mob is same as this lvl 51 mob nope there not.

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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by drech »

swayzo wrote:You guys are missing the big picture they don't want you taking down big mobs anymore so stop. For one your armor is going to degrade fast.

Start challenging mobs 10-15 lvl under your lvl solo time buddys or bring a healer. Then challenge mob of equal level.

Like me I am lvl 60 Offensive Mage I can't take a lvl 60 mob.

But I can kill a lvl 51 mob for 2300 xp with a little trouble but not to bad. Have to pick the right mobs too. Just can't say ooh that lvl 51 mob is same as this lvl 51 mob nope there not.

Time to play smart not dumb. Keep your wits about you.

You're absolutely correct. Who needs to get more than 9xp for killing a mob we can actually take anyway? Not like leveling has anything to do with the game mechanics. It most certainly doesn't have anything to do with progression.

In fact, I think Nevrax should just make everyone level 250. That way, none of this is an issue.

While they're at it, I'll take a group full of bots to team with!
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by swayzo »

I don't know anyone that has gotten 9xp for killing something 10 lvl under them unless there nuking something that is way below them.

Which maybe that just how good you are can only kill things that can't fight back.

Now I can understand lvl 100-250 having problems fighting cause my friend is lvl 110 although he can still get xp its very hard. Because the mobs hit him so hard. Although I do agree when they raised attack damage they should have rasied hp as well. He says with more hp you could withstand it easier.

Even he told me its not so bad for him as long as he isn't trying to fight equal lvl mobs. Since I team with him I have been able to maintain his health and get 3k xp unless we get adds were fine thats fighting a little bit above him.

Adds and were dead period.
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by josephm »

Nono swayzo I'm sure there is validity to their point, Once xp drops almost linear when it's the one thing that should be exponential. Remember prepatch gettnig 2500 for a sprightly? then 2406 next level, then 2289 etc etc? (those numbers are generalizations but fairly accurate). With mobs hitting so much harder, your lower end gains of 1000, which for me is a single Baying gingo I have to regen after at 53...each level I get I'm loosing 10+% per level but I'm not getting 10% stronger. See what I mean?

We start so powerful at the beginning of the game (level 1-10 is the fastest levels in almost any game granted) and continually get smaller. Normally this balance would end at the highest level of the game, making adjustments along the way. Unfortunately the difficulty and reward bonus intersect around level 70, given everyone's reports....It's wierd, Draw a graph in your mind based on other people's reports and ours and you'll see what I mean :)

I'm glad jjm152 got his DP off...sorry to say I'm grinning like mad at the irony of the situation though. All he can do is harvest for xp. Kinda silly how everyone freaked about the harvest nerf...then everything else got SHUT DOWN BUYEKESHA! I'm grinning at the irony....not that I'm happy about Baldy's future :(

And you mentioned grouping..these guys are talking about solo though, and honestly it IS a bit harder.
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by swayzo »

But at lvl 55 Melee a ways before patch I could easily tank 3 to 4 hard kipee with no problem at all. Useing self heal usually after 2 are dead and then finishing of the other too so you can't say it wasn't easy. I could take on 8 baying ragus and use my sword swing and kill them all in 8 hits. Sometimes without even useing my self heal.

My guild mates and me use to laugh all the time the game was laughable to easy. Now its a challenge to keep your team alive to make sure to be careful to deal with adds to pay attention.

NO ONE in all honesty can say it wasn't easy before patch. Was like playing a single player game and saying ooh normal is to hard easy is to hard there we go very easy I can beat it now.

I can't say the game isn't hard cause it is hard.

Today I have gained 4 lvls hunting. Thats what I try to get atleast everyday in 1 skill or another. Took me longer but I did it still.
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by loyats »

If your the same level as a mob you should have a decent chane to take it out, otherwise it should be higher level than you. Me at lvl61 two handed melee with a pike should not die to a lvl 48 gingo. nuf said.
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by swayzo »

lvl 48 gingo haven't seen any gingos lvl 48. By chance do you mean baying ragus.

If so 2 acid shots and bye bye ragus

ooh wait maybe your in a different land so my mistake.
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by parisg »

If so 2 acid shots and bye bye ragus

Sorry, forgot to level my magic. Now Im standing here and the ragus is laughing in my face while eating it.
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Re: How do we clear death penalty after patch 1?

Post by zumwalt »

What about movement, reading this thread I am coming to the conclusion that it would take a maricle to move from say Yrk to Tryker through the maze, I have made that trip prior to the patch and there was some very nasty huge named cutters.

Granted they hit for around 500 prior to patch, but the way your talking they will hit now for 5000.

Is it now fopar to get between cities... alive?

Has anyone put together a caravan yet to travel between 2 different continents, say from Matis to Fyros?

If so, what was the trip like, was it hard, impossible, possible?

I know for a fact that going through the north eastern desert area of the Matis lands was painful with 2 groups that were less than 100 in level, actually it was still painfull if 1 group was over 100.

Leveling sounds like its become an issue, which is just a game balancing thing, but is movement also restricted?

I am primarily a harvester / crafter, so I tend to move with the crowd when they do.
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