Nono swayzo I'm sure there is validity to their point, Once xp drops almost linear when it's the one thing that should be exponential. Remember prepatch gettnig 2500 for a sprightly? then 2406 next level, then 2289 etc etc? (those numbers are generalizations but fairly accurate). With mobs hitting so much harder, your lower end gains of 1000, which for me is a single Baying gingo I have to regen after at 53...each level I get I'm loosing 10+% per level but I'm not getting 10% stronger. See what I mean?
We start so powerful at the beginning of the game (level 1-10 is the fastest levels in almost any game granted) and continually get smaller. Normally this balance would end at the highest level of the game, making adjustments along the way. Unfortunately the difficulty and reward bonus intersect around level 70, given everyone's reports....It's wierd, Draw a graph in your mind based on other people's reports and ours and you'll see what I mean
I'm glad jjm152 got his DP off...sorry to say I'm grinning like mad at the irony of the situation though. All he can do is harvest for xp. Kinda silly how everyone freaked about the harvest nerf...then everything else got SHUT DOWN BUYEKESHA! I'm grinning at the irony....not that I'm happy about Baldy's future
And you mentioned grouping..these guys are talking about solo though, and honestly it IS a bit harder.