It was very nice to see the return of official events to Atys, the place feels totally dead without them. Having said that, some of the more "major" events have been quite the let down. Most notably, the Halloween, government, and Kitin stock/lair events.
I have no problem with the occasional holiday-related OOC event in theory, they only come around a couple of times a year, and just for a few days. My goodness though, the Halloween event was horrific! Not only was it piss poor, it was forced upon everybody by removal of all mobs and mats! Just awful...
The governments sounded a great idea, with lots of potential. So far though? Kind of a slow process, with little to no purpose that I can see. Hopefully more will be done w/ them in 2010.
The raid on Demon's Lap in FD was a joke, it's far too overpowered for Arispotles population. Challenge = Fun, annihilation = lame. Oh and the Kitin Lair? Well... What Kitin Lair?

Those that have actually heard anything about it at all probably forgot about it after 48 hours. What an underwhelming experience for something that we've been waiting for for years.
Something that's important to note though I think, these seem to be largely dev initiated events, and the failings are largely mechanical. So most of the blame has to be assigned to them in my opinion.
On the bright side(yes, there is one!:eek

, some of the smaller events were pretty neat, like the botanical excursions for the nubs and bored oldies, and Xmas tree building. \o/