it's alway a matter HOW they'll do this. i hope we get some hint soon. rising levelcap connected with new highlevel content (its still only a small part of kitin lair opened) could be nice.ajsuk wrote:^^ Agree.
Anyone who knows me knows how much it hurts when I have to agree w/ this guy, so I figure it's probably the best way for me to express how bad I think the idea really is.
This thread is very old but the points raised in it are still valid so it's worth unearthing and repeating. I urge the devs to abandon their planned increase in level cap as announced here, it's a cheap alternative to actual content and I for one think the resources could be far better utilized elsewhere. Get a grip people!
the other thing is... how many multi 250 chars do we have? many. higher level cap and doing some advertising could bring new players into ryzom and im sure leveling 1-300 in one skill will be faster than leveling 4 skills from 250 to 300. so the multiskill gap will be smaller. but thats just my 2c