Ich mag ja was falsch verstehen, aber:Magic gloves replace baton
With the ever-increasing concern about a possible link between Magic and the Goo, magicians agree to the replacement of the baton for newly developed and more practical magic amplifiers which are less harmful to the environment. These ecological amplifiers take the form of gauntlet gloves for better adhesion and enable the magician to better concentrate magic energy in the palms of the hand without the risk of scorching the skin.
A few details:
With the change in the magic amplifier comes a reduction in the skill point cost of most spells at the trainers. This change gives greater scope for spell specialization and for caster generalization.
It's worth remembering that the skill point costs for new spells available from the trainers depends on the costs of the stanzas in the spell that you don't already know. The costs of stanzas vary from one to another.
The new magic amplifiers require
Craft=>Melee=>CloseCombat=>MagicAmplifier crafting skills.
The magic amplifier can be used as a melee weapon inflicting blunt damage on the Fight=>Melee=>CloseCombat=>AdvancedCloseCombat=>HandToHand skill branch.
heisst das, das ich als bisher "Stab-Crater" (2H-Melee-Weapons) der Gear***te bin?
Stab Crater levelt derzeit auf bisher 100 2H, damit kann man natürlich auch level 100 Waffen bauen da der Skill der ausschlaggebend ist ja "Race-Melee-Weapon-Craft" ist.
Wie da steht kommt nu aber ab level 50 zu 1H / 2H auch noch ClsC.
Der Stabcrafter Level 100 verliert damit also satte 50 level die er neu machen darf um wieder halbwegs erfolgreich Mage-Equipment 100+ zu bauen... denn nur weils n Skillreset gibt gibts kein LEVELreset ..
Jemand schon getestet?
Bitte sagt mir das ich mich irre