Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by sidusar »

blaah wrote:those missions are gone. there is new missions that will keep you busy... the 'Go and report...' mission seems to affect kitin threat level... and like before, the % is low. you decide if they are worth doing or you gonna wait when you work is more appreciated hehe
Indeed, just killing Kitin of the Depth doesn't seem to decrease the bar, you have to complete the 'Go and report...' missions, which require you to hand in KotD pieces to the outpost overseers.

I doubt many people will be willing to hand in their pieces to decrease the bars until they have all the titles, though :p

And yes, like with the building they'll probably watch our progress for a few days and then adjust the % to a level that allows us to finish in a reasonable time span - which is one % adjustment I'm totally in favor of. :)
gavin205 wrote:The mission to tour the camps with a mek is still there, it's just the last one on the list now.
Yes, but it doesn't advance the progress on the camps anymore. Instead, we are now delivering "supplies" to the camps - as you can see by the prospectors now making us dig for food mats instead of building mats, and the progress NPCs now talking about supply crates waiting for delivery, and the camps being X% supplied.

Though, oddly, there are no progress bars on the status page to keep track of how supplied the camps are, which makes one wonder if this'll be at all relevant to the event, or just a way to keep the digging and delivering missions open as an option.

In any case, we can no longer build the camps. Talk to the progress NPC of an unfinished camp, they'll tell you "the camp wasn't finished in time, the kitin overran us by surprise". See, these are the kind of things that would've been nice if they'd been explained to us in a new speech from the leaders. :o
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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by sidusar »

[Oops, I meant to add this to the above post, not make a new post out of it, sorry for the double posting.]
suib0m wrote:The RP site ( atys.ryzom.com ) has more info (tho flimsy :/ ) about the quickening of the site building.
Yeah, they seem to be forgetting more and more about that site as the event progresses. :( The change to the delivery missions, that they'd give dapper from then on, was properly announced on time and explained with a nice story. But an explanation for the boost to the progress rates was only retconned in a week later, which makes it seem more of a weak coverup. And there's still nothing at all about the event entering a completely new stage.

Makes me sad, because it's game-mechanically a truly awesome event, and compared to all the time that must've gone into that, how much more time would it have cost to get some proper announcements up in time? Total neglect of the RP part makes the whole thing a lot less immersive. :o

Ah well, maybe they've only one person doing those announcements, and that person got sick for a week.
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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by tomaas »

The event has convinced me not to stay in Ryzom for several reasons.

1.) The sheer number of mobs in mid-ranged zones make it impossible for me to do anything. Even with a group my level, we get slaughtered. So my game grinds to a halt.

2.) Snarky comments from "the vets" that ARE strong enough to participate in the event.

3.) The reading comprehension problem proven by the response to my letter to the Ryzom Development Team. I told them my teams were getting slaughtered, you know what their response was?
I understand your problem and yes the current situation on Atys is indeed very grave.

I would try and band together with your fellow homins and plan a way to overcome this menace.
I wish you well on your adventures.
What part of teams my level getting slaughtered by a rediculous number of overpowered mobs in zones with the content we need to get strong enough to participate didn't they understand?

If they're gonna have an event and shove it down my throat, you'd think someone would have at least three working braincells to think ("Oh, maybe we should put level APPROPRIATE creatures so that people don't have their fun stymied by a complete INABILITY to advance.")

Well, listen up all you veteran "well, I'm having fun so it's your problem" crowd. The only reason this game is alive is because a company took a risk to buy it.... otherwise, it WOULD have died and you WOULDN'T be playing it now.

They need subs, and ####### up the game for low level new subscribers is NOT the way to get or keep new subscriptions. If your (oh high and mighty vets) subscriptions were enough, Ryzom would still be owned by Nevrax, and Nevrax would still be solvent.

But your subscriptions weren't enough. Punking off your new players does NOTHING to keep you playing the game you say you love.

Enjoy it for as long as the venture capital that this company is funding the game with lasts.... because if all you people push the new players out, then Ryzom WILL die.

And for the devs: Games are supposed to be fun. I had enormous fun until this event stopped me cold in my tracks. I WILL NOT pay for something that isn't fun.

I will be cancelling today, as will my fiancee.

Enjoy your game vets. Better hope they can build a viable subscription base... because Nevrax obviously couldn't.

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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by scarazi »

Its a global event, possibly the biggest in Ryzoms history. No event/change will satisfy everyone, personally I`m not the biggest fan of these events either, but respect those who are taking part and having fun. I dont feel the urge to swear at them, or brand them "high and mighty vets" because they are taking part and enjoying it. I suggest to stick to games that have a difficulty slider so you can set it to easy, and something that doesnt change or evolve over time like pong.
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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by inifuss »

When they first launched this event and the announcement of the Chronicles, I was very excited. Yay! RP on it's own forum in which the event team would be participating, how exciting!!! As the event progressed and as we attempted to interact with the event team, it became apparent that either the manpower or the time was not available to keep track and interact.

It is very disappointing that the communication of the towers and the increased kitin activity was not there. It really does not take a major world event to communicate these things, especially when they have the RP tool (atys.ryzom.com) at their fingertips.

I think it is great they are giving us the world events and giving us goals to try to achieve and are furthering our storyline; however, I hope that some things have been learned so that future events will be communicated more clearly.

To Tomaas, I am sorry to hear that you are leaving the game because of on interactive event that is very inconvenient for you and that others have been negative to your concerns. I know it is very frustrating to try to work on skills at this time and when you are newer to the game it is hard to just jump into a world event when it is all new and you have not had time to forge bonds within a guild. I do agree that the devs should have thought a little further about the new player experience and how it might effect that. However, the kitin threat is an integral part of the lore, we are all very well aware of the threat and why it is important that we work together to try to reduce that threat. Perhaps at this time it would be best to set your goal of skill leveling solo/duo to the side and join teams to work missions or eliminate the kitins. Perhaps you feel you are too low to help and if you do think that, your thinking is incorrect. Not only does every bit help but you may also find that you will learn a great deal more (or at least sooner) by working in large groups than you would have on your own. Also, keep in mind that this event is not a constant of the world of Atys (well, it might be if we don't kill some kitin - hehe). Feel free to look me up in game and I will be more than happy to join/add/find a group for you to work with.

One of the main reasons I love Ryzom so much is that they do incorporate the live world events. I am very happy for what they have given us and I hope they keep at it and make the necessary improvements. Keep on trucking Ryzom!

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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by acridiel »

In response to Tomaas Post:

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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by gcaldani »

I am sorry to be here to speak differently.

I am a vet and I liked the event very much. But...

Tomaas is right and I can't blame him if he want to leave Atys at this time.

Being a true lover of the game doesn't means for me to turn off my brain and just play.

Did I said that I liked the event very much? Ah, yes.

Some small considerations about what devs have done wrong and how the 'vets' answered wrong:

1. someone (myself included) said that the devs just named only some people not considering the hard work players do, but just the random and the camper. We get many answers, mostly speaking about roleplaying, so that doesn't matter.

Instead, that the whole point. It is because this is a 'live' event, a roleplaying affair that change the world, that should give players a chance to be part of the game based on their involvement, same as happened in the temple event! Otherwise, why the hell I'm playing this game? To max some skill? Or because i am a tryker that live in atys and try to make some difference (sometimes well, sometimes bad)? You know the answer.

So, it's exactly the contrary. And how the event reward all the players exactly in the context of the world lore, is disappointing, more: is wrong. Point.

2. As I remember one of my last tells with a csr, seems that the whole point the devs think is: ask help to homins, call your friends.... lol, it seems that the devs are living in the moon and don't see the obvious. And I don't think i need to explain more... it's not my problem, i can do everything in game and can survive solo even with the actual kitin population. Tomaas said it all.

3. Inifuss and scarazi, you are doing the exact same mistake: kitin threat is an integral part of the lore..... refugees too and they are totally out of the world now. I liked very much the event (i already said that?) and you know, inifuss, as we did many harvesting and deliveries together, but it is really unbalanced and the only result will be an empty world (and now the world is empty, at least in Arispotle). You can't ask all the vets to take the whole responsibility of the new players... we have also our job to do. Being helpful can't means we have to be newbies assistants for weeks. This event already stopped my jools crafting, and i could have almost finished the whole set now. But it's ok for me, i'm not a new player.

4. The raising of the kitin activities should be max 2 days, with a known timer: defeat the threat or just loose something. After 2 days, there would just be a result: as a bad result we could just lose some altar, so need some work, to reestablish, if we win, just rewards for the fellow homins that contributed to the victory. 2 Days would have not affected normal newbie activities.

The point is: the new owner really need new players? Or they just are good as it is now, with the 3 servers and are just doing their game?

If you don't need new players then advise us, so we just play the game as a closed number world and that's it. It's ok for me, i will continue my subs to play the game.

But if you need more subscribers, please, stop doing wrong things.

x Tomaas: I understand your frustration. I just hope you can return when this event will end. There are many fun aspects of the game.

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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by suib0m »

Yes there are problems with this event, yes it can be very problematic to new players around lvl 100.. but this game really shouldn't be too easy and we have, for a very long time, complained that this game is too easy. I'm sorry to hear some folks are considering leaving because of this event, but I tend to blame the mentality of catalyzers and vets handholding new players by doing too much for them by just handing over uber equipment and not distributing knowledge as freely.

I remember kitin invasions where I couldn't much breath without getting slaughtered. Yes it was very frustrating, but it was also exciting. And now, it is the stuff of legends. With this current situation, there are many kitin, but they are stationary and therefore can be avoided with effort.

Sneaking is one of the most useful skills in this game and it is not one measured by skill points, it is measured by player ability to read the mobs and their actions. And it is *very* useful right now. Tauting mobs away from teammates is another skill that is taught enough, and again it is very important right now. If you taunt a singular KotD away from its group for about 3 tauntings (just drag them along far enough) you can take them out alone, and then return for the other two. This means that you can kill KotD at almost their level. Yes, you will be destroyed if you accidentally pull all three, but that's part of the excitement of it. Also, you need to think about which KotD you are fighting and figure out what clear paths there are to destroy them.

Once this event is over, I'm sure there will be many players that will talk of it excited tones "whoa, do you remember when Atys was crawling with kitin, they were EVERYWHERE!!" And you will have new players that will want the event again. This is an event, it will pass, and the world will be normal again, but we will miss it and we will long for the adventure that is now occurring.

I hope everyone stays, I hope they try to participate enough to learn some things.. Death in this game is laughable, particularly at lower levels. You get a DP that can be worked off in a few harvesting pulls. Take this opportunity to understand the game more. It's a missed opportunity if you do not. The KotD work in very predictable patterns.

If you leave, it is a sad day for Atys, but understandable. As I've said, there is much to this event that could be done better. But overall, it is an exciting event that will reverberate in time for years.

Peace to homins, destroy the kitins,
- Sui
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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by inifuss »

Hehe.. Gil, perhaps you misunderstood my post or perhaps my intention is not as transparent as I wish it to be.

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Re: Warning : Launch of a Major Event Play Role in Ryzom !

Post by gcaldani »

suib0m wrote:Yes there are problems with this event, yes it can be very problematic to new players around lvl 100.. but this game really shouldn't be too easy and we have, for a very long time, complained that this game is too easy. I'm sorry to hear some folks are considering leaving because of this event, but I tend to blame the mentality of catalyzers and vets handholding new players by doing too much for them by just handing over uber equipment and not distributing knowledge as freely.

I remember kitin invasions where I couldn't much breath without getting slaughtered. Yes it was very frustrating, but it was also exciting. And now, it is the stuff of legends. With this current situation, there are many kitin, but they are stationary and therefore can be avoided with effort.

Sneaking is one of the most useful skills in this game and it is not one measured by skill points, it is measured by player ability to read the mobs and their actions. And it is *very* useful right now. Tauting mobs away from teammates is another skill that is taught enough, and again it is very important right now. If you taunt a singular KotD away from its group for about 3 tauntings (just drag them along far enough) you can take them out alone, and then return for the other two. This means that you can kill KotD at almost their level. Yes, you will be destroyed if you accidentally pull all three, but that's part of the excitement of it. Also, you need to think about which KotD you are fighting and figure out what clear paths there are to destroy them.

Once this event is over, I'm sure there will be many players that will talk of it excited tones "whoa, do you remember when Atys was crawling with kitin, they were EVERYWHERE!!" And you will have new players that will want the event again. This is an event, it will pass, and the world will be normal again, but we will miss it and we will long for the adventure that is now occurring.

I hope everyone stays, I hope they try to participate enough to learn some things.. Death in this game is laughable, particularly at lower levels. You get a DP that can be worked off in a few harvesting pulls. Take this opportunity to understand the game more. It's a missed opportunity if you do not. The KotD work in very predictable patterns.

If you leave, it is a sad day for Atys, but understandable. As I've said, there is much to this event that could be done better. But overall, it is an exciting event that will reverberate in time for years.

Peace to homins, destroy the kitins,
- Sui

I never said i want the game easy or dumbed down.
I just made some consideration around the event. It was done to please the vets and to lose new players. I know, the game is not about leveling, but we should see the reality, not what we like. People want to level, want to get exp because that's the only actual sign of some progress and improvement. Also the only way to discover new stanzas and new actions. At my level, i had a choice, continuing my jobs or getting involved during these hard days. New players got no choices. See the difference?

Let's see this scenario:

1. We see an increasing in the kitins activity. Not very big but still something to consider. Nothing that impact the normal homin's life.

2. We got a call from our leaders. That's OK. We listened and learned something more, and started building towers. Nothing that have a big impact in the homins that just wanna level and don't wanna be involved in this. Others can do and will be rewarded in proportion of their effort. Factions points and a place (if enough involved) in the history of atys.

3. We built the towers. Then make a new advise from the leaders: warning to every homin, we expect a kitin swarm everywhere and life can be very tough. What good leaders should do in these situations? Protect the children, protect who can be in a great danger because don't have enough power. Make a safe place, such as Almati Wood, with a sort of 'refugee camp' and tell homins they have to move there to stay safe from the big battle, *at their choice*. So, a homin can decide: if they wanna stay they have to rely with the danger. Otherwise, for a couple of days, all the leaders have settled a safe place for them. I said Almati Wood, just because that is an example of a mixed region, with different animal's levels. Only thing missed there is harvesting. So, new people could still level up and discover a new place while the big vets fight against the kitins. Or, if they wanna get the risk, just stay and see what happens, but sure u can't feel frustrated in this case: it was your choice.

4. When the timer of 2 days (starting when the new missions were available) expires, just look at numbers (thresholds) and see who won. Apply the changes to the world according to the event lore. Publish history somewhere, similar to the Temple banners. End.

I'm not sure it could work in this way, but sure you have more chances to retain new players. And the event is almost exactly the same.

If i wrote my opinion is just to make something helpful for the devs.

Think as a new player, don't think considering what you already know of the game.

That's all. Of course you can have your opinion and so the devs, sure they have their vision.

But when you say that old invasion is now a legend, i remember you that nevrax got bankrupt and the game closed 2 times.

Of course, as I already said, if the new owners can handle the game without an influx of new players, well it's all good for us vets that love the game. I'm not speaking for myself. Personally i enjoyed the event a lot, it was very fun for me.

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