In a sad way, I find that hilarious.
The Ring developers were afraid of exactly that happening and thus put so many restrictions on the Ring that it was hardly used at all. The Architect devs didn't want to repeat that mistake, so instead made the mistake the Ring devs were originally afraid of making.
Typically human to always be swinging from one bad extreme to the other.
The sad thing is, ofcourse, finding that so many players are indeed only interested in getting their character to the max level as fast as possible, to then do... what with it, exactly?
unkala wrote:Not quite. Every account can have up to three scenarios perma-hosted at a time. Scenarios that get extremely high ratings by the developers or by other players can earn a special status that lets them not count against this limit.
That's what I said, isn't it?
But yes, Ring does need the perma-hosting, along with fixing the new bugs that got introduced to it.
The problem I see with XP reward in the Ring (even if it's reduced XP reward so that training in the mainland is still better) is that there'd then also have to be Death Penalty in the Ring. And that would further discourage players from playing the really fun scenarios (which generally involve a lot of death and little levelling, much like a kitin raid) thus pushing the Ring more towards being a farming tool.
A fair reward system for the Ring would be an extremely complicated task. But however they go about it, they should start with small rewards and gradually increase them until a balance is found, rather than trying to get a perfectly balanced system in right away and risk overdoing it and then having to nerf again.
And they could start with picking the best, say, 10 scenarios, perma-hosting them, and letting a CSR play through them all to individually decide on a proper reward for each.