Tribe Fame System: a research

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

vguerin wrote:Bear in mind, they didn't help you really, they killed those tresspassing in their sector :P

Uhm... well , i just asked the tribe chief:
"Ehy, mate, i need the head of Wylac, wanna help me please?"
He kindly answered:
"Uh, you have a bad fame but ehy, you are a tryker as us, so drag him near the camp and my fellow warriors will help you!!"

:P :P

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by iwojimmy »

poor little ecowarriors arent up to killing Wyac :(
I used to let them tank him for me while I Dot'd him - worked maybe half the time. Tactic described as "feeding him poisoned Trykers"

As for Tribes with KoS fame, you can usually find a patroller or hunter someplace who will still offer missions. Just check the prereqs when you talk to them.
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

iwojimmy wrote:poor little ecowarriors arent up to killing Wyac :(
I used to let them tank him for me while I Dot'd him - worked maybe half the time. Tactic described as "feeding him poisoned Trykers"

As for Tribes with KoS fame, you can usually find a patroller or hunter someplace who will still offer missions. Just check the prereqs when you talk to them.

I managed to kill wyac thanks to ecowarriors. The whole tribe died but i got the time to finish him and got the mats. :D Actually, the whole tribe 'must' die or you will not be allowed to quarter the carcass.

Yes, there is always a patroller tribe NPC, but the minimum tribe fame required for missions is '0' so no way to get missions for tribes with negative fame from a patroller NPC. The Tribe Welcomer have -65 fame (i didn't checked the suppliers, so they could have the same) requirement and the faction NPC, that need only faction fame (not tribe fame) at least '0' but gives also tribe fame on successful.

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by neniti »

gcaldani wrote:Yes, there is always a patroller tribe NPC, but the minimum tribe fame required for missions is '0' so no way to get missions for tribes with negative fame from a patroller NPC.
some wandering npc's dont have fame req at all. dont know if there is at least one npc for every tribe.
for ancient dryads, there should be 2 npcs (scout and journeymen) in GoC that should give fame. visit westgrove strongold from time to time, one should hang out there ;-) (note: didnt actually do mission for those npc's, mission description from those just said "Ancient Dryads will be grateful" or something similar)
The Tribe Welcomer have -65 fame .
welcomers have -65 because -66 was old KoS fame limit (if you had that tribe listed in fame list that is). Currently, tribe should attack you at -50.0(0)1, so welcomers are kind of useless (i suppose it's possible to hit inv/kill tribe and and get the missions ;-)
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by iwojimmy »

gcaldani wrote:I managed to kill wyac thanks to ecowarriors. The whole tribe died but i got the time to finish him and got the mats. :D Actually, the whole tribe 'must' die or you will not be allowed to quarter the carcass.
No, all you need to do is more damage than the tribe, even if they survive you can still loot. But its hard work luring Wyac into the camp, especially when he would only come near me when I had my focus gear on.

And there are definitely roaming mission givers with very low fame reqs.
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by gcaldani »

neniti wrote:some wandering npc's dont have fame req at all. dont know if there is at least one npc for every tribe.
for ancient dryads, there should be 2 npcs (scout and journeymen) in GoC that should give fame. visit westgrove strongold from time to time, one should hang out there ;-) (note: didnt actually do mission for those npc's, mission description from those just said "Ancient Dryads will be grateful" or something similar)
Well, i didn't checked every tribe patroller npcs so it's possible. The npc i checked (now don't rememebr what tribe) had '0' fame requirement with the tribe. It's normal they say "will be grateful" as these missions gives you only fame with the related tribe.
neniti wrote:welcomers have -65 because -66 was old KoS fame limit (if you had that tribe listed in fame list that is). Currently, tribe should attack you at -50.0(0)1, so welcomers are kind of useless (i suppose it's possible to hit inv/kill tribe and and get the missions ;-)
Hitting 'inv' was exactly what i have done to get missions from welocmers and karavaner into camps. Doesn't seems logic to me but it works.
iwojimmy wrote:No, all you need to do is more damage than the tribe, even if they survive you can still loot. But its hard work luring Wyac into the camp, especially when he would only come near me when I had my focus gear on.

And there are definitely roaming mission givers with very low fame reqs.
Well, i've done in the past and never worked, but then it could be simply bugged. Same thing happens if u kill a mob killing an herb: if the herb get the last hit you will not ne able to loot, also if u did the most of the damage. At least it's what's always happened to me.

As i said, i didn't checked all the roaming mission givers so it's possible. The npc i checked all had '0' fame requirement.

Well, I found my next job to do in between hunts: checking all tribe roaming npc and looking at the fame requirement.

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by dollly »

i have max sibling of the weeds fame and they started aggroing me about a year ago :(

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by iwojimmy »

dollly wrote:i have max sibling of the weeds fame and they started aggroing me about a year ago :(

about the time fame was changed ?

When all the effort people had put into working their fame was butchered to comply with Faction/Civilisation alignment :(

The old fame system was something that had intricacies and tricks that rewarded game knowledge, the new system is crude and simplistic , fitting in with a game where the only point is to get to level 250 and combat other players.
In order to provide high level content for older players, the low level game has been rendered undesirable, something to be rushed through as quickly as possible.
:( :( :(
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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by eadwig1 »

dollly wrote:i have max sibling of the weeds fame and they started aggroing me about a year ago :(


I also have max fame with the Sibs, and I get aggroed in their camp sometimes.
It's not the main tribe that attack though. There appears to be four "rogue"
guards that aren't always at the camp. They can sometimes be found in various parts of FG.
But it's only when all four are together just outside the camp that they will attack.
A bug of course, but rather a fun one!

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Re: Tribe Fame System: a research

Post by jared96 »

Has anyone seen something more "current" on this topic, or perhaps takes in faction effects on tribal fame. I have been looking at these sources: ... t/

And neither seems to jive w/ what I see in game. I'm a Fyros neutral toon with no civilization allegiance and kami faction (for TP's). Civ fame is 48-50 w/ all races; Kami / Kara is 65 / -51.

When I look at the tables I can't get it to jive with what I see in game, I assume because of the faction thing. With the Tutors for example, I am -64 in game.

The site has me at -66 though I have never had any interation with them. The BM site has me at -50. It seems that for the most part, my numbers are closer to the old number sthan the "new" numbers listed on the BM site.

Ones in italics indicate that the list doesn't appear to be accurate for those tribes as I can't figure out how I wuda got so different.

Name [aka Name] (Area) Initial Fame w/ Fyros*Matis*Tryker*Zora [My Fame]

Ancient Dryads (Matis) -83 * -100 * -66 * 0 [-84 max = 100]
AntiKamis (Zoraï) -50 * 16 * -16 * -66 [-52 max = -50]
Barkers (Fyros) 0 * 33 * -33 * 33 [-8 max = 50]
BeachCombers (Tryker - Enchanted Isle) -16 * 16 * 33 * 83 [-15 max = 100]
Black Circle (Zoraï) -33 * 16 * -16 * -50 [-50 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Cholorogoos (Roots) -66 * -66 * -66 * -66 [-66 max = -50]
Cockroaches (Roots) -66 * -83 * -16 * -66 [-63 max = 50]
Company of the Eternal Tree (Zoraï) -16 * 16 * -16 * 66 [-4 max = 100]
Corsairs (Tryker) -33 * -33 * 66 * -33 [-27 max = 100]
Cuzans [Cutes] (Tryker - Lagoons of Loria) * -16 * -16 * 0 * -16 [-14 max = 50]
Darkening Sap (Matis) 0 * 50 * -66 * -66 [-51 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Dune Riders (Fyros) -50 * 0 * -33 * 33 [-4 max = 100]
Ecowarriors (Matis) 0 * -50 * 100 * 83 [6 max = 100]
Firebrands (Roots ) 0 * -16 * -16 * -16 [1 max =30]
First Deserters (Matis) 33 * -66 * 16 * 0 [29 max = 100]
Fraiders [Frahars] (Fyros) 0 * -33 * -33 * -33 [10 max = 50]
Frahar Hunters (Fyros) 83 * 33 * 33 * 0 [21 max = 80]
Gibads [Gibbaïs] (Zoraï) -16 * -16 * -16 * 0 [-7 max = 100]
Goo Heads (Zoraï) 0 * 16 * -16 * -66 [-52 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Green Seed (Matis) 16 * 50 * 50 * 16 [21 max = 30]
Hamazans of the Dead Seed (Zoraï) 0 * 100 * -16 * 33 [4 max = 100]
Icon Worshipers (Zoraï) * -16 * 66 * -16 * 33 [-8 max = 100]
Keepers (Roots) 16 * -16 * 16 * 16 [17 max = 100]
Kitin Gatherers (Roots) 33 * 16 * 16 * 0 [30 max = 30]
Lagoon Brothers (Tryker - Lagoons of Loria) -66 * -66 * -66 * -66 [-68 max = 50]
Lawless (Fyros) -83 * -66 * -66 * -66 [-83 max = 30]
Leviers (Fyros) 16 * -16 * -50 * -16 [5 max = 80]
Master Of The Goo (Zoraï) 0 * 0 * 16 * -66 [-53 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Matisian Border Guards (Matis) -33 * -16 * -33 * -16 [-28 max = 50]
Night Turners (Roots) -16 * 0 * 0 * 0 [-15 max = 30]
Oasis Diggers (Matis) 66 * 0 * 33 * 50 [30 max = 30]
Pyromancers (Roots) * 50 * 0 * -16 * -16 [51 max = 100]
Recoverers (Roots) -16 * -33 * -33 * 16 [-13 max = 100]
Renegades (Fyros) -66 * 50 * 16 * 0 [-67 max = 30]
Restorers [Watchers] (Roots) 33 * -50 * -33 * -16 [40 max = 50]
Root Tappers (Roots) 100 * 16 * 50 * -16 [30 max = 30]
Sacred Sap (Matis) 33 * -50 * -16 * 83 [35 max = 100]
Sap Gleaners (Roots) -66 * -66 * -66 * -16 [-65 max = 100]
Sap Slaves (Matis) -16 * 66 * -16 * -50 [-50 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Scorchers (Fyros) -83 * -66 * 16 * -66 [-83 max = 30]
Shadow Runners (Zoraï) 0 * -50 * 100 * 16 [8 max = 50]
Siblings Of The Weed (Matis) 16 * -16 * 16 * 83 [20 max = 100]
Silt Sculptors (Tryker) 0 * 33 * 83 * 0 [10 max = 50]
Slavers (Tryker) 16 * 100 * -66 * 0 [13 max = 30]
Smugglers (Tryker) 0 * 0 * 0 * -33 [-50 max = -50]
The Arid Matis (Matis) 16 * 66 * -33 * -16 [23 max = 30]
The Kuilde (Roots) -16 * 50 * 33 * -50 [-50 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
The Slash And Burn Tribe (Matis) 33 * -66 * 50 * -33 [-52 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Tutors (Zoraï) -66 * -66 * -66 * 66 [-64 max = 100]
Water Breakers (Fyros) 66 * 16 * -50 * 0 [41 max = 50]
Woven Bridles (Matis) -16 * -83 * -66 * -66 [-20 max = 100]
Last edited by jared96 on Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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