Has anyone seen something more "current" on this topic, or perhaps takes in faction effects on tribal fame. I have been looking at these sources:
http://forum.ballisticmystix.net/jforum ... t/243.page
And neither seems to jive w/ what I see in game. I'm a Fyros neutral toon with no civilization allegiance and kami faction (for TP's). Civ fame is 48-50 w/ all races; Kami / Kara is 65 / -51.
When I look at the tables I can't get it to jive with what I see in game, I assume because of the faction thing. With the Tutors for example, I am -64 in game.
The ryzom.l9c.org site has me at -66 though I have never had any interation with them. The BM site has me at -50. It seems that for the most part, my numbers are closer to the old ryzom.l9c.org number sthan the "new" numbers listed on the BM site.
Ones in italics indicate that the list doesn't appear to be accurate for those tribes as I can't figure out how I wuda got so different.
Name [aka Name] (Area) Initial Fame w/ Fyros*Matis*Tryker*Zora [My Fame]
Ancient Dryads (Matis) -83 * -100 * -66 * 0 [-84 max = 100]
AntiKamis (Zoraï) -50 * 16 * -16 * -66 [-52 max = -50]
Barkers (Fyros) 0 * 33 * -33 * 33 [-8 max = 50]
BeachCombers (Tryker - Enchanted Isle) -16 * 16 * 33 * 83 [-15 max = 100]
Black Circle (Zoraï) -33 * 16 * -16 * -50 [-50 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Cholorogoos (Roots) -66 * -66 * -66 * -66 [-66 max = -50]
Cockroaches (Roots) -66 * -83 * -16 * -66 [-63 max = 50]
Company of the Eternal Tree (Zoraï) -16 * 16 * -16 * 66 [-4 max = 100]
Corsairs (Tryker) -33 * -33 * 66 * -33 [-27 max = 100]
Cuzans [Cutes] (Tryker - Lagoons of Loria) * -16 * -16 * 0 * -16 [-14 max = 50]
Darkening Sap (Matis) 0 * 50 * -66 * -66 [-51 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Dune Riders (Fyros) -50 * 0 * -33 * 33 [-4 max = 100]
Ecowarriors (Matis) 0 * -50 * 100 * 83 [6 max = 100]
Firebrands (Roots ) 0 * -16 * -16 * -16 [1 max =30]
First Deserters (Matis) 33 * -66 * 16 * 0 [29 max = 100]
Fraiders [Frahars] (Fyros) 0 * -33 * -33 * -33 [10 max = 50]
Frahar Hunters (Fyros) 83 * 33 * 33 * 0 [21 max = 80]
Gibads [Gibbaïs] (Zoraï) -16 * -16 * -16 * 0 [-7 max = 100]
Goo Heads (Zoraï) 0 * 16 * -16 * -66 [-52 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Green Seed (Matis) 16 * 50 * 50 * 16 [21 max = 30]
Hamazans of the Dead Seed (Zoraï) 0 * 100 * -16 * 33 [4 max = 100]
Icon Worshipers (Zoraï) * -16 * 66 * -16 * 33 [-8 max = 100]
Keepers (Roots) 16 * -16 * 16 * 16 [17 max = 100]
Kitin Gatherers (Roots) 33 * 16 * 16 * 0 [30 max = 30]
Lagoon Brothers (Tryker - Lagoons of Loria) -66 * -66 * -66 * -66 [-68 max = 50]
Lawless (Fyros) -83 * -66 * -66 * -66 [-83 max = 30]
Leviers (Fyros) 16 * -16 * -50 * -16 [5 max = 80]
Master Of The Goo (Zoraï) 0 * 0 * 16 * -66 [-53 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Matisian Border Guards (Matis) -33 * -16 * -33 * -16 [-28 max = 50]
Night Turners (Roots) -16 * 0 * 0 * 0 [-15 max = 30]
Oasis Diggers (Matis) 66 * 0 * 33 * 50 [30 max = 30]
Pyromancers (Roots) * 50 * 0 * -16 * -16 [51 max = 100]
Recoverers (Roots) -16 * -33 * -33 * 16 [-13 max = 100]
Renegades (Fyros) -66 * 50 * 16 * 0 [-67 max = 30]
Restorers [Watchers] (Roots) 33 * -50 * -33 * -16 [40 max = 50]
Root Tappers (Roots) 100 * 16 * 50 * -16 [30 max = 30]
Sacred Sap (Matis) 33 * -50 * -16 * 83 [35 max = 100]
Sap Gleaners (Roots) -66 * -66 * -66 * -16 [-65 max = 100]
Sap Slaves (Matis) -16 * 66 * -16 * -50 [-50 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Scorchers (Fyros) -83 * -66 * 16 * -66 [-83 max = 30]
Shadow Runners (Zoraï) 0 * -50 * 100 * 16 [8 max = 50]
Siblings Of The Weed (Matis) 16 * -16 * 16 * 83 [20 max = 100]
Silt Sculptors (Tryker) 0 * 33 * 83 * 0 [10 max = 50]
Slavers (Tryker) 16 * 100 * -66 * 0 [13 max = 30]
Smugglers (Tryker) 0 * 0 * 0 * -33 [-50 max = -50]
The Arid Matis (Matis) 16 * 66 * -33 * -16 [23 max = 30]
The Kuilde (Roots) -16 * 50 * 33 * -50 [-50 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
The Slash And Burn Tribe (Matis) 33 * -66 * 50 * -33 [-52 max = -50] *Cap changes from "Going Kami"*
Tutors (Zoraï) -66 * -66 * -66 * 66 [-64 max = 100]
Water Breakers (Fyros) 66 * 16 * -50 * 0 [41 max = 50]
Woven Bridles (Matis) -16 * -83 * -66 * -66 [-20 max = 100]