This is yet another thread on a subject that has been covered.
We keep the forums closed so the players do not have to read the assorted: Flames, trolls, whines, etc.
The players do read here (when they want to) and they have been helpful. They have posted copies of threads, offered advice, pointed people in the right direction.
But - and this is key... they dont have to wade through all of the noise here to get what they need.
Our entire CM team doesn't have to either. We know who we are supporting. The player community.
So -- the next argument is: Then make them read only.
This would turn into a cut and paste marathon with flames here and things turning into a huge mess.
The amount of time spent cleaning up this one public forum shows we are correct.
The players support us by buying and playing the game. We support them by keeping their signal to noise ratio in check.
You say you don't know about the game, cant get answers etc...
They get answered. Usually by players themselves!
Posting and telling us to open the forums doesn't give you the information you seek. It's not going to happen.
You say we are 'hiding' stuff. I find that funny. Players are free to post here and they often post snips from their forum area. How in the world could we hide anything with so many players? That would require controlling the vast majority of our posters. (who are players)
That would be like trying to herd cats! Impossible and just annoys the cat!
Starting new threads with the same message also won't get you a different answer.
This thread has been all over this issue:
In closing we know this is an issue with people on both sides. This was thought through carefully and decided upon by many people. (knowing some people would scream)
If I have to make a decision based on the public or our players, I choose providing good service & a sane forum area for our subscribers. That's what it comes down to for me.