first of all, to Marjo:
I apologize because sure this is not the right section to post, but i cannot post elsewhere so I hope you don't delete it as it's intended to give a game suggestion and i wish to read some feedback.
I already posted this idea (as some others) directly to GF, via ingame ticket.
In respect with the lore, we already have read something about 'goo infused' weapons. Well...
The idea involves many aspect of the game, all already partially present, technically speaking:
1. Opening Outposts in Prime Root
These Outposts are a little bit different from the OP in the surface: they produce only a special material, the only one that can be used to build 'goo infused' weapons.
The main part of this idea is that this material cannot be carried by a single homin or a packer, but need a 'caravan' composed by 1 or 2 cars and trained by 2 or 4 mecktoubs,
to move the materials to the GH, where special containers need to be built in order to store them (they could be outside the GH entrance).
These are the general rules:
1. The caravan can only move at 'walk' speed
2. The mecktoubs are 'weak' as the mounts
3. The caravan can have an escort of a certain number (2 or 4 imo) of NPC guards, choosen in a similar way we do at OP battles.
4. The caravan can 'walk' alone with a predefined route (seasonal, and ofc could be dangerous) or driven by a single guild member.
5. The guild members can change the driver at any time, just need to stay close to the caravan, so one can jump off and the other jump on. A nice feature would be also the ability to enlist as drivers 'unguilded' players too (or from another guild) for a reasonable price.
6. The mobs, can attack not only the mecks and NPC but the caravan itself, so an unguarded caravan can be destroyed (as a mount or mecks can be killed). This will means: need another caravan to be built, need to reach the place where the destroyed caravan is in order to recover the materials. In any case, the materials left in a destroyed caravan are normally slowly absorbed by Atys (remember it's a plant), so if a guild move too slow it can lose percentage of materials.
7. In the capital regions (the blue regions) the caravan will be always safe, so homins can leave it reaching the GH without a driver.
8. If the OP is declared, then the caravan will continue their job til the war started. At that point nothing can be done till the war ends and the winner guild establish the ownership. During the pre-war state will be up to player choices to pick up something different from 'neutral', in any case the eventual caravan present at OP cannot be attacked by players. When the war starts, any caravan already moving to GH will continue, while the attacked Guild will not be able to build another caravan.
9. All the costs for caravans, mecks and NPC should be reasonable with the actual system (and maybe better)
Actually i was thinking only about a PvE addiction, so Wasteland and Abyss of Ichor would be the Prime Roots involved. Having already the OP wars, we don't need more of this part and the players will be always enabled to tag themselves if they want.
1. looking caravans around Atys, will put more life on planet (caravans moving in blue regions will have a good impact to new players also if the related guilds are not online at the moment).
2. Guilds must be organized to avoid losing the precious material giving them a new goal.
3. A new revamp of the economy can be built, other than the jackpot, and will work forever not just for the first month.
4. real new content can be decisive for many old players to come back in game and new players will have less moments of 'alone' feeling.
5. drivers can be low level (with the help of NPC guards) so new things to do and a new way to improve the cash (with some risk, but... nothing come for free

6. Moving a bit the lore can be a good way to step on the original saga.
7. ofc, new power to some weapons
8. Not being an event, this will be a permanent content.
1. Altough most of the things are already ingame, this is a medium/long term development, so we need GF put some money into it
2. This is a 'hard' content, needing a lot of time to move materials from OP to GH, defending mecks from aggro to avoid the caravan stop at a dangerous place and lose the material... but many players prefer easy life also in virtual life.

3. The 'goo infused' weapons is the hardest thing of this idea, as it involves the balance of the game, so any other suggestion that can simplify without ruining the whole idea will be welcome.
Thank you for your patience