zarozina wrote:Don't be put off when ppl say "You're digging in Underspring at lvl 40??
I agree with the whole post but wanted to make a comment on the above. Thoygh rarely seen nowadays with the current server population, back in the ole days, certain harvesting habits would get ya ... well better said "leave ya" dead. This had to do mostly due to Kami Tolerance. "The land" can sustain a certain amount of resource production before the Kami gods start getting PO'd. When KT drops to 0, all diggers receives wrath of god strikes from the heavens with a hit for 6000 damage.
So back in the day where there was enough population, many times one would log in to find they couldn't dig cause KT was 0. And one of the things that particularly irked peeps in this predicament was seeing level 40 players continuing to dig mats in a 200 QL zone with KT at 0 or very low while the level 50, 100 and 150 zones where compeltely unpopulated and KT there was 100.
Back then I saw many a low level digger gassed, exploded or killed by wandering aggro where "requests to rez" where ignored or went conveniently unnoticed. I ain't saying it's right, I ain't saying it's wrong but I can understand both sides.
I understand wanting to jump from digging in Pyr to digging in Dyron for example as you have TP and vendor convenience, but when I went thru it, my thoughts were:
1. Why should I bother with KT when the 100 and 150 regions were totally empty with no KT issues ?
2. Why should I ruin it for other players who need and can actually harvest and use level 200 mats ?
For me it was a no brainer, OO and FT have oodles and oodles of safe spots. I'd park my animals in OO Lake or FT TP and dig 3k mats, craft them off, dig some more mats and craft those off till my animals were full and then cart my animals to a nearby hawker or to town....round trip3-4 minutes.