Player run event
Time: Sunday 18th March 8pm GMT / 4pm EDT
Location: The Matis Arena (West of Yrkanis)
What will happen:
Both Karas and Kamis will congregate in the dirt field in the centre of the arena. Karas along the right edge, Kamis along the left! (width of arena is 100m) Both sides will have time to organise their teams. When both sides are ready a marshall will count down. At zero both sides will advance towards each other at will. The winner is the side with the last man standing!
Over the next few days we will be able to guage the number of potential participants and decide the limit per side!
The overall winner will be the best of 5 rounds!
-Everything that you can do in op wars you can do in this Event!
-Once the round has started you can not leave the dirt field.
-Only those participating in the event can heal one another, spectators can not participant in anyway!
-If a participant looses their connection or leaves the dirt field mid round, they cannot rejoin the battle or be replaced, untill the round is over!
In between rounds a marshall will count both sides, to keep them even!
-You must wear your Faction tags at all times!
-Spectators can enter the dirt field, but they must stay near the entrance to distinguish themselves from the participants!
Arena Mechanics:
Only players in the same team can heal each other.
This makes the arena the only place where mass factional PvP can work. Because it doesnt allow healing out of team! So we won't have any problems with the heal bug! It also encourages more attention and skill to be used, artillery will have to place their shots, melee will have to watch their space bar targetting! and healers choose between there single and bomb heals more carefully!
The idea of this event is to bring skill back into mass pvp! So watch what your doing trigger happy space bar fighters

Battle Marshall - Razorsedge
Kami Marshall - Trycirtis
Karavan Marshall - Sanrye
If your a Karavan please contact Riveit ingame, and myself if your Kami to apply, or use the poll! Also any questions ask us, or post here


Last Men standing:
Round 1
Starting number per side: 14
Winners: Karavan with 13
Round 2
Starting number per side: 14
Winners: Karavan with 7
Round 3
Starting number per side: 14
Winners: Kami with 10
Round 4
Starting number per side: 13
Winners: Karavan with 9
Round 5
Starting number per side: 13
Winners: Karavan with 9
Round 6
Starting number per side: 14
Winners: Kami with 6
Round 7
Starting number per side: 13
Winners: Kami with 13
Round 8
Starting number per side: 13
Winners: Kami with 12
Round 9
Starting number per side: 12
Winners: Kami with 8
Kami win 5 - 4