Dropping a few(many)lines saying hello and thank you to all the helpful people out there. I tried this game a while ago and didnt get it, now I know why, I didnt reach out. This time around asked around a little and by god if I didnt get help with everything I needed straight away. I even got help with stuff I didnt need help to do

Never seen anything like it in a MMO befor and I've tried plenty. Love the community allready, love the game so far and absolutely adore the graphics(I can run it on almost highest settings without a glitch and it looks awesome).
The only thing that kept me back a bit was all these "Goodbye" threads posted by veteran players(atleast they felt like alot when I checked the forum right befor I dl'ed the trial)

My advice would be to not post those, atleast not on the general forum, may get alot of new players to look for other games befor they even try this one out if it looks like alot of older players are leaving. Almost had me move on by.
Oh and how is the RP? From what I've gathered the background story is a very important part of the game. Im still new at RP but I love it so far and would love to get into it here, where the background story seems so interesting and alive.
Anyways.. I'll see you all in game!