My PoV has shifted over time. I lament what we lost and I strove to protect it. I was very disappointed with Ep2 and OPs as I watched the community collapse (relative to what it used to be) and the mass exodus of the community/RP oriented players (many of whom seem to have come back for a peek thanks to R2). Ryzom's community is still the best out there, but it could always be better and the fear is always there that it could be lost.riveit wrote:I got it from reading most of your 2160 posts. Perhaps that average of your arguments wasn't fair though. People's opinions do change.
Sorry if I was snide. Don't you see that many people see your own posts as snide, as OOC propagandizing, and as very aggressive?
Personally, I don't see much hope for Cho being 'better' than Arispotle. So long as many people have major toons playing on both servers, they will be inextricably linked. The separate servers very much need separate forums so that they can grow apart.
People constantly accuse me of trying to 'force' my views. I can't. There's no way I can do that. I can't make people on Cho play a certain way but I can encourage and support the idea that a fresh start is a fresh opportunity and a chance not to take the same route, to be better. I, on the other hand, and others like me, _am_ constantly forced by mechanics and other people to accept certain things and play a certain way if I'm to get full use of the game I've pinned my banner to.
I don't propagandise for either 'side', I analyse what I see and try to present ways in which it could be better or that we could avoid what seem to be potential incoming problems.