Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by raven41 »

grimjim wrote:Another option would be to have a regular automated ferry vessel running from city to city through the water in Tryker, based on the boat design I remember seeing in the concept art. If you can tie character movement to the movement of their 'footing' without problems.

That would be cool... alot of islands in the way.. and would be best too have a seperate boat from FH-Windermeer/FH-Crystabell/Crystabell-the north town that I cant seem to think of the name :p ... that way it would limit wait times... I would log in just to ride the boats around :p

I miss going to windermeer, was always one of my faverite places to visit :p dunno why. But boats help me go there again since my TPs were stolen by the Evil Kara's :'(
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by grimjim »

truce1 wrote:1. Real player houses in the REAL world (R2 dosnt cut it)
2. Player clothing options.
3. More mounts.
4. Food items.
5. More options in armor color (That the crafter shooses not the Materials you use).
6. More face,hair, and body options.
7. Entertainment skills such as dancing ETC...
8. Some form of taming skills tree.
9. Guild halls.
10. More events.
1/9. I don't think cluttering the landscape is a great idea. We do have apartments and Guildhalls but they're severely limited. Inviting people into apartments would be a great start, but I think R2 holds the answer to this. Have a seperate apartment/guildhall mini-R2 with preset apartment/guildhall patterns that can then be customised with 'clutter' in the same drop/drag interface. Apartments could be stored locally on your machine, guildhalls would have to be stored server side. 'Hacking' the file for your GH/apartment wouldn't matter since storage space etc would still be stored in the server side database. Additional options like buying extra storage space would be nice though, with a steeply escalating curve like 10 mil, 100 mil, 1000 mil for each additional allotment of space. Other options like a GH teleport would be luvverly.

2. I agree. Whether purely cosmetic or otherwise more options are nice when it comes to clothing and there's great stuff in the concept art (like Tryker pirate coats) I'd love to see. One thing I think that could be done very swiftly would be to add light/medium armour. I'd nab the existing 'hats' out of the hairstyles and retask them to be superimposed when wearing (currently) light armour helmets. Medium helmets could then be added, I like the Fyros open-face helmet in the concept art that looks a bit like Lando's one from Return of the Jedi, others could be similarly worked out, perhaps the Tryker one modelled after the late governors open-faced helmet.

3. See my point earlier about mounts not being used, and aquatic mounts.

4. I agree, but I'd be happy with them just being props! I want firewine bottles, izem wings, tankards, drinking horns. Great for RP events and I really can't see creating these items being too time consuming. Though they'd need a vendor (or could become part of a crafting tree like alchemy or survival).

5. Dyes would be nice, but they should be expensive, or rare, or both and you dig up random dyes. There's already a dye mission item that could be reused, its just integrating it and I'm not sure how much effort would need to go into adding additional colours.

6. The tattooist and hairstylist are in theory reasonably easily expandible. So that should be easy enough. To save work I'd start by making the hairstylists and tattooists available to EVERY homin race on Atys (as they were with a bug long ago). This would add three times as many options for everyone for the least amount of dev work (the existing options just need tweaking a little to marry up properly to every race's heads). I don't think extra body options are particularly needed, though some body tattoos would be nice. (I want a scorpion tattoo on Jyudas' back and I'm sure some would want a kami or Kara symbol on their flesh).

7. I don't think an entertainment skill tree is needed and you can string together dance movements with the existing emotes and hotkeys (or, amusingly, make gogo dancers in R2) but more options would be great or a dance 'mode'. Again, investment of effort for little reward might be the issue.

Music was thought of waaay back when and again I don't think it needs a skill tree but instrument items you could interact with, each with a scale of notes (preloaded) so that you could play tunes would be great and give each race a distinctive instrument. A matis flute, Zorai lute, Fyros drums and Tryker... I don't know... something, a trumpet maybe :P

Make it a player skill thing and a nice addition. Still, again, I don't see the payoff being worth it for the time invested. Much as we've tried with our pub nights we've failed to instill a 'pub culture' in Ryzom past a core group, which is a bit sad really :(

8. Taming... I'm not sure really. It fits the world concept but with everyone able to do everything I would worry very much that everyone would end up having pets trailing around after them. So, I got to thinking... what about posession instead? The code's already there for R2 when we take control of animals, so a posession skill tree, exerting the nanoseed to take control of a creature and make it do our bidding, with it dying first before we can be attacked. That would work just fine, with a time limit based on the level, and make it power down like an aura, with a long downtime. That would reuse existing code and give something like taming, without being too unbalancing or problematic in terms of server load.

10. We get a lot of live events. More is always nice :) With R2 there should be more player events too.
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by raynes »

I just want the damn encylopedia worked on.
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by grimjim »

Right... the last one.

I've been thinking about combining several problems into one.

Water beasties
The relative lack of use for some weapons.

I think you could use the water without making it three dimensional.

Add water kpredators and herbivores but treat the water as a flat two-dimensional plane. Make them more scarce and weaker than land animals and allow water fighting, but only with, say, daggers and 1h spears.

This gives you a fishing equivalent more suited to Ryzom, stops the water (in tryker) being a completely safe haven and helps encourage the use of the 'lesser' weapons.
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by sidusar »

grimjim wrote:Invisibility
Doesn't fit within the context of Ryzom, save perhaps as some Karavan device.
Don't dismiss it that easy. It fits perfectly within the context of Ryzom. There's multiple stories of Kami disappearing and reappearing at will. And what about those invisible Kami that kill harvesters?

Fits in better than invulnerability... a homin becoming completely invulnerable, while still able to move their legs but unable to swing a weapon?
grimjim wrote:Make them more scarce and weaker than land animals and allow water fighting, but only with, say, daggers and 1h spears.
Oh, I like that idea. Maybe pistols and rifles too if we craft special harpoon ammo for them?
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by acridiel »

truce1 wrote: Instead of using the standard "I don’t wish ryzom to evolve" quote. People should comment and discuss what is good, and or bad about some ones suggestion, and then discuss how something of its nature could be added to the game in a way that fits well.
You apparently didn´t see that:
acridiel wrote: I´m not against change, I´m not against new features, I´m just against making us a clone of others.
And btw. I "edited" that long before your answer.

So, now: Where do I say that "I don´t want Ryzom to evolve"?
Damn, sorry but I hate it when my words are turned against me and even against the whole community. The things you quoted and that I said are MY words, not that of the whole Community. Ok?
Get that and read what is said completely before using their words to rant.
And I´m by no way above suggesting things to further Ryzom. Just because you haven´t read them, it does not mean I don´t.
I mostly do this in the Leanon Forum, sometimes even here. Because I like the whole international community of this game.
It´s a great and truly alive community.
I ´ve stated my point the way I did just because I´m tired of these threads popping up every few days again and again, and tired of saying the same things again and again, suggesting the same things again and again, tired of having to read through the "In (insert Game here) we had (insert feature here). I want this here too routine" again and again... ( I won´t do this anymore)
Others don´t seem to tire of that and I respect them for that and admire their patience. But mine simply has run out since a certain Thread a few weeks back, where I was accused of trolling for trying to help find a sollution for an unhappy new player by this player.
Maybe this time I even was trolling. OK. I appologize for that, but that does not change my mind.
acridiel wrote: I´m not against change, I´m not against new features, I´m just against making us a clone of others.
I´ll recline from this thread now.

And just to clearify. This is not intended as a "flame" or whatever you might think. I´m just saying what´s on my mind right now.

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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by grimjim »

sidusar wrote:Oh, I like that idea. Maybe pistols and rifles too if we craft special harpoon ammo for them?
Just use the bowrifles :)
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by mrshad »

Melee fight could use some help.
We have a lot of aim stanzas that hardly ever get used.
Bleed and slow need to be revisted (though one could make a case for bleed, perhaps)

A kind of "state-machine" that tracked where a creature was last hit, and gave bonus damage if the subsequent hit were in the right place has been sugested before. I don't think it would be *too* hard to do, but I have a knack of over simplifying software projects.

Fixing the link spells is wildly overdue. They are underpowered and only use sap. On the plus side, they don't burn out your amps, but it really sin't a fair trade.
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by danolt »

I would like to players have the ability to expand our cities, guild halls, temples etc.. Something similar to the temple construction, turn in so many mats, such and such appears. I would recommend not only using harvested but quartered materials as well.
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Re: Added Ryzom Feature Suggestions

Post by sehracii »

I'll be simple.

I want to hear thunder with the lightning. :o
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