Point 1, well there _are_ being surgested a lot of things that are in WoW. And to be honest, I don't think a lot of features in WoW would help Ryzom a lot.truce1 wrote:See, here we go again.
Didnt you know your not allowed to talk about things you would like to see in the game?
Didnt you know that anything you suggest will just be a copy and paste from the game your getting your idea from because apparently neverax do not have their own mind and style, or knowledge of their game or the ability to take a game feature and tweak it to fit with in the game they created?
Didnt you know that any f4eature your going to suggest will be shot down with these typical responses.
1. WoW.
2. This is ryzom.
3. There isnt enough resources for anything.
4. The developers do not have time
Point 2, indeed this is Ryzom, it is different from every other MMORPG out there. It would be nice to keep it that way and not just copy and paste features from other games. I very much agree on the sneak skill, it would ruin part of the game Ryzom is now. Actuly I think getting somewhere already is too easy, especialy now there are many high level players and you can blast your way through any area with just a few players.
I would rather have a level 300 or maybe even 350 area, give us a new chalange instead of making the game easier.
I can, to some degree agree with point 3 and 4 being said quiet often. However currently they are very true, surgestions can however be saved for a time the devs do have time.
1. We do have apartments, improved furnishing would rock thoughtruce1 wrote: Yep, anything you say or suggest here will get this response.
So allow me to add my list.
1. Real player houses in the REAL world (R2 dosnt cut it)
2. Player clothing options.
3. More mounts.
4. Food items.
5. More options in armor color (That the crafter shooses not the Materials you use).
6. More face,hair, and body options.
7. Entertainment skills such as dancing ETC...
8. Some form of taming skills tree.
9. Guild halls.
10. More events.
12. More later...

3. I don't know, it would be nice, but I currently don't see a lot of other creatures that would be fit to use as mount.
5. I'm all for more armor colors, but keep them determined by the materials, at least to some degree. Just letting the crafter choose the color would ruin part of crafting.
8. I'm not sure how this could work out in Ryzom, but its something to think about.
9. We have guild halls.
10. There are events almost every week. Ofcourse it would be nice, but the event team needs time to make new coffee

All others sound alright to me

Things I would like to see:
Boats, we have mounts for the land, let us move fast in the water too!
Ability to make a campfire, to be made from materials we can dig ourselves.