kyesmith wrote:I really dont see why people like doing quests for exp in other games, all their doing is dressing up grind into missions that you grind, i much prefer ryzom as you know where you stand, i hit the same mob for hours i get X amount of exp from them, sure beats running around atys killing 1 mob here then running another 5mins to give Mr X a present. Mindless quests can be done solo with little need to ever encounter another player, its an MMO game whats the point in that, i try not to lvl solo whenever it can be helped unless ofc in the non combat trees.
Some people like to accomplish something in the time frame they have to play.
Quests fill this need. Quests also give and provide a nice narrative for players, this is part of entertainment.
There are basically two camps.
The People who play games to be entertained = People that watch movies.
The people that play games to exercise some forum of creativity = People that make movies.
If that makes since.
The Ring does bring an interesting collaboration, Those that like to create, will make "Quests" and those who dont, will play them.
I just hope that those that create them have good ideas, and compelling stories that fit within the games lore, as well as making a good challenge for those that play them.
Only downside is, User created content tends to be "crap". In all it forms.
So im hoping that if there isnt all ready, that there be a some forum of rating system for quality and some forum of Flagging system to give you an idea of what type of "quest" this will be....
* Valid Lore use (The scenario fits and adheres to the existing lore)
* No lore use ( the scenarios doesnt use one drop of existing lore,(IE: every NPC is named after a pokeymon))
* Saga (multi-stage scenarios)
You get the idea.