Clueless devs

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Re: Clueless devs

Post by rugster »

weiseman wrote:exactly
You mean the 1st bridge, north of Lucenthead hurst, guarded by kinchers. Yep?
Now look at your map, near "canyon pass" ooh looky here, there's another bridge leading to Luncenthead hurst! And there's no aggro !

Dragon's Spine has the same mobs as the rest of Outlaw canyon, reaching Thesos is quite easy, just need to be patient on specific moments, and really fast on others (and i don't mean run away if you just got aggroed)
"Impossible" eh? I do the run between Dyron and Pyr like 4-6 times a day (i always forget to buy that damn ticket) and every day i travel down to Thesos, even with large teams prone to get aggro, are we "über players" to master the "impossible" ?

Now concerning prime roots and the question «how do i harvest down there?» hehe, well there are a few answers coming to my mind:
1) be in a guild, get a team rolling, fighters & mages protect you from incoming mobs and/or clear the path
2) be a good solo harvester who earns his own money and look for a team willing to protect you: "i pay you x k if you escort me and protect me down in roots"
3) forget about prime roots for a while and get used to the rest of the desert first: matisian portal, scortched forest, scortched corridor, frahar towers, secret kami oasis... Once you did that and got used to travelling in hairy areas, get back to 1) or 2)

Telling devs don't want people to reach other areas is nonsense. If they really didn't want to, why the heck did they care doing portals and "link lands" like the prime roots eh? Just close the walls and holes leading to the portals and there you go, no more travelling.

Ah, last thing, if it's so impossible, how do you explain the fact that more and more new Zorais, Matis and Tryker player reach Pyr these last days? I'm not talking about those who already had the spawns before the patrols; i'm talking about the new ones who just arrived.

Duster - Dragon Order of Abylus.

PS: levels are just numbers, not a way to tell "i'm not a noob anymore"
Have you actually tried any of your own suggestions? Theres mobs in their that rip entire groups apart in moments. Its all very well to say this is how you do it or how you think you would do it. Whats important here is how the majority do it. Not the few.

I know of about 8 Tryker who after dying a dozen times have made it to Fyros, to Matis, to Zorii.. very good. If thats all you intend to do very good.

You try getting a mektoub packer from Pyr to Zorii Captital. Possible? It should be.

Join a guild? Why? Why should anyone have to join a guild to play a game? Why should they be forced to have to play to the whims of others?

Organising anything is nigh to impossible unless everyone gains from it, be it knowledge, xp or money, otherwise organising anything is a waste of time. Good intentions dont last long in Prime Roots. I'd like to see a team a whole team of players just try moving around south of deadtree let alone watch them try to kill 1 mob whilst a dozen others try to gouge them.

FYI i am in a guild. I do harvest in Pr, i have been to every town in Fyros. I know all the routes, i know the easy ways. This is not about what i know. It is about what everyone else doesnt know. And what they are highly unlikely to want to know because they've quit and gone to play someone elses game.

I know more and more people are playing ryzoms, but i also know more and more are leaving, many just to join other races, play alts.. many are simply leaving. And this is unacceptable. Remove the ability to harvest high level mats until we are high level, remove the static mobs on guard duty around all the lands, make them completely random i dont care, but make them MOVE about.

Access is certainly about patience, but it is also about success. You know someone made it, so you want to try, you try a dozen times, you learn, however eventually, two doors appear, one says Quit Game, uninstall and never return, the other says Keep Going, you might make it. And to many are taking the first door, and it is this which i find the most annoying, this fact and the reason why.
~ Martin

I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.

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Re: Clueless devs

Post by weiseman »

1st, i like your triple posting.

2nd, concerning that bridge, why do you care about 1st one if you absolutely don't need to pass it? Even the most stupid player will notice there's a second bridge which is easyer. The kinchers enable people to meet the tougher creatures and teaches newcomers to watch where they're going and the fact that the shortest route might not be the best.

3rd, concerning people leaving "because it's too hard" or "because we can't get the top end stuff right away" is quite ridiculous; what's the point if a game is too easy? Everyone will leave even faster in the end! "Oh i've already done everything, there's nothing to do anymore, i'm bored, bye bye".

For those who don't know much about the game, well... we all started someday and we all learned from trial & error, sometimes got hints & tips but most knowledge comes from own experience. Ryzom is not like any other mmorpg out there and that's the point: you have to learn playing it. Those who find it too hard or too restrictive will leave sooner or later anyway: don't forget it's a long term saga we got planned here... and we've seen nothing from the really interesting background story yet!

Last point, this game is guild/team based; one can solo, yes, but groups of players make it way easyer... that's been in since the early beginning of it. I know some player prefer doing it the "lonely stranger" way, but they know from beginning it won't be easy at all, and don't complain about it later on.

I admit exploring must be a strange trait of mankind: we know everything about the Moon but there are still unexplored areas on our own planet... now we're checking Mars out and there are still thousands of organisms which have to be discovered on Earth.
Still ain't no reason for telling Devs are clueless or intend to place high barriers on everyone's way, just to prevent us from doing so.
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Re: Clueless devs

Post by rugster »

weiseman wrote:1st, i like your triple posting.

2nd, concerning that bridge, why do you care about 1st one if you absolutely don't need to pass it? Even the most stupid player will notice there's a second bridge which is easyer. The kinchers enable people to meet the tougher creatures and teaches newcomers to watch where they're going and the fact that the shortest route might not be the best.

3rd, concerning people leaving "because it's too hard" or "because we can't get the top end stuff right away" is quite ridiculous; what's the point if a game is too easy? Everyone will leave even faster in the end! "Oh i've already done everything, there's nothing to do anymore, i'm bored, bye bye".

For those who don't know much about the game, well... we all started someday and we all learned from trial & error, sometimes got hints & tips but most knowledge comes from own experience. Ryzom is not like any other mmorpg out there and that's the point: you have to learn playing it. Those who find it too hard or too restrictive will leave sooner or later anyway: don't forget it's a long term saga we got planned here... and we've seen nothing from the really interesting background story yet!

Last point, this game is guild/team based; one can solo, yes, but groups of players make it way easyer... that's been in since the early beginning of it. I know some player prefer doing it the "lonely stranger" way, but they know from beginning it won't be easy at all, and don't complain about it later on.

I admit exploring must be a strange trait of mankind: we know everything about the Moon but there are still unexplored areas on our own planet... now we're checking Mars out and there are still thousands of organisms which have to be discovered on Earth.
Still ain't no reason for telling Devs are clueless or intend to place high barriers on everyone's way, just to prevent us from doing so.
Sometimes its just a complete waste of time replying to some people. So i'll just ignore you.
~ Martin

I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.

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Re: Clueless devs

Post by oloriun »

"3rd, concerning people leaving "because it's too hard" or "because we can't get the top end stuff right away" is quite ridiculous; what's the point if a game is too easy? Everyone will leave even faster in the end! "Oh i've already done everything, there's nothing to do anymore, i'm bored, bye bye"."

I don't know why it is but the most obvious fact, that I've eigher not read here or noones posted it, seems to elude most.. and that is to do with crafters. Now the small population and the lack of supreme in circulation [I'm aware there are supreme mats/items still going round] leads to vary little variety in products made by people - only difference being those that level their craft more for alot of med qual plans / boosts etc.

It seems the devs want pr / surpreme to be high level attainable so yes as others have said why not just change the way forage is and not the need to wait till everyones high level melee/magic and you roll with a small army as a guard. Surpeme should not be barely existant. As it is currently, nearly everyones making choice and trying to sell to little or no avail - most crafters are churning out the same stuff quality wise, some manage a little more excellent mats. Yes I'm sure some of you get by just fine before you post saying theres no problem. Alot of people however do have problems. It just seems blatently obvious to me that there should be supreme just to make the difference in the market right now. I'm not talking about making q20 supreme armour as was the case early on. There are other ways to make surpreme hard to attain, chucking stupid amounts of agro mobs around is a quickfix, not a sensible solution.

Seemingly adding "endgame" points within the first month of retail is a bit of a deathwish.
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Re: Clueless devs

Post by borg9 »

oloriun wrote:"3rd, concerning people leaving "because it's too hard" or "because we can't get the top end stuff right away" is quite ridiculous; what's the point if a game is too easy? Everyone will leave even faster in the end! "Oh i've already done everything, there's nothing to do anymore, i'm bored, bye bye"."

I don't know why it is but the most obvious fact, that I've eigher not read here or noones posted it, seems to elude most.. and that is to do with crafters. Now the small population and the lack of supreme in circulation [I'm aware there are supreme mats/items still going round] leads to vary little variety in products made by people - only difference being those that level their craft more for alot of med qual plans / boosts etc.

It seems the devs want pr / surpreme to be high level attainable so yes as others have said why not just change the way forage is and not the need to wait till everyones high level melee/magic and you roll with a small army as a guard. Surpeme should not be barely existant. As it is currently, nearly everyones making choice and trying to sell to little or no avail - most crafters are churning out the same stuff quality wise, some manage a little more excellent mats. Yes I'm sure some of you get by just fine before you post saying theres no problem. Alot of people however do have problems. It just seems blatently obvious to me that there should be supreme just to make the difference in the market right now. I'm not talking about making q20 supreme armour as was the case early on. There are other ways to make surpreme hard to attain, chucking stupid amounts of agro mobs around is a quickfix, not a sensible solution.

Seemingly adding "endgame" points within the first month of retail is a bit of a deathwish.

I read your post carefully a few time just to make sure I understood what you were saying....

How I read it...

Supreme mats now hard to obtain, because of aggro mobs stopping you accessing them. Ok, fair point, but I don't understand you justification for them to be more widely available.

You say equipment lack variety, because of the lack of supreme. Surely if Supreme was more available, there would be even less variety. Supreme has high stats in almost every area. When using choice and excellent to make equipment a mix is needed there for there is MUCH more variaty in properties on equipment made from choice and excellent.

Ways to make supreme hard to find....

current solution
- Put it in a place where there are lots of very nasty aggro (the one you don't like)

alternate solution
1. Move the prospect supreme mats to level 100+
2. Make the sources impossible to find in the roots unless you have prime root prospecting combined with find supreme quality (only available to 150+ foragers)
3. Put more but infrequently spawning supreme spots that are only available in one season for 20 mins per game day.

This would mean that a particular material could only be found for a limited time by an expert harvester.

Supreme items, like black and white armour ... should be a treasured item that has status associated with it. My heart sank, when Een (Matis) told me 'everyone' in Matis had black and white armour of supreme quality.

**** not a personal attack ****

But your arguement didn't make sense and you proposed no alternatives.
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Re: Clueless devs

Post by krone9 »

borg9 wrote:Supreme items, like black and white armour ... should be a treasured item that has status associated with it. My heart sank, when Een (Matis) told me 'everyone' in Matis had black and white armour of supreme quality.
treasured items but not ornaments - ie they take months to degrade not one or two fights!

maybe the solution there is to make armour repairable
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Re: Clueless devs

Post by borg9 »

krone9 wrote:treasured items but not ornaments - ie they take months to degrade not one or two fights!

maybe the solution there is to make armour repairable
Degrade - is another issue (everything degrades at he fast rate regardless of what its made of, so they say I haven't got to the point where I suffer from the degrade issue)

Supreme armours - will last longer as they will have more HPs.

The above is in relation to availablity no durability.

Being a Tryker - and not an all day player - I am still traped in Tryker (again a seperate issue). It appears that the 'availablity' issue is related to the fact that some could reach the roots with easy and harvest for ever (atm spots bugged). Now that this is being controlled, with the easiest thing the dev could do, in the time frame, people are screaming to have the supreme mats.

In FBT it was hard to reach the roots, but not impossible.
In FBT it was hard to get the materials, but not impossible.

People were proud of their black armour, it was very rare and white was just talked about.

Week 1 of retail ... everyone had it.

I know which scenario I prefer.

The advantages supreme weapons and armour give is huge.

I am sure that if GOLD armours, the only colour that has not been made (to my knowledge) had been acheived it week 1 too. It would have really killed part of the game for me personally.

I hope that we have more colours introduced and different weapons and armours (Karavan armours for example).

The Devs/GMs have done a great job, sometime a bit heavy handly, to make this game a joy to play.

The kittin invasion which, maybe, was intended to spot the mass hike to Tryker was a stroke of genius.

Remember we are here to shape the world, our actions effect what happens.

We try to do something, the world (GMs) will react.

Remember every shard of this game can have a different conclusion. What we do on the Euro server maybe completely different to any of the other servers and thus lead to a different result.

To the best of my knowledge Ryzom is a world with no 'end game'. With the introduction of children we will even have PERMANENT death.

In one sense it parallels 'real life' we make our own purpose. We choose our own destiny. We may make excusses why we are not what we want to be (money, time, opportunity) but really its all down to our actions.

Ryzom is not FAIR, its not BALANCED, it has FLAWS, it appears differently to different people! One thing works for one and not for someone else.

Its rule based, but not linear. You can start in 1 of 5 starter towns in 1 of 4 cultures. You can travel to any place in any order from any direction.

There are finite limits (lvl250). There are some restrictions (only 3 types of armour of 4 different styles with 3 different looks each) the same for weapons.

But this is only limited by time, the devs can add more at any time.

The thing, that I love and others hate, is that there is only a very small amount of information about things in Ryzom. The need to explore and experiment is THE BEST thing about this game. Mistakes should not be looked at as, OMG I have spoiled my toon', but 'humm, that was quite what I was expecting, lets try this instead'.
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Re: Clueless devs

Post by krone9 »

I agree about the armor - was just trying to make another point

re the rest, what you say sounds good but in actuality we're very limited as to what we can do.

What I'd like to see is some reason for the realms to interact via diplomats - ie elect leaders, appoint politicians/diplomats to communicate officially with other realms. Work out a way to fight together against the kitins as the first problem we encounter and later move to interrealm politics.

As opposed to what we have at the moment - no real need to roleplay racial differences (everybody is nice to everyone else regardless). No real need to combine forces as its too hard to get between realms for the majority of players to contribute. No real need to elect leaders as there's actually little they can do besides battle command on the very rare invasions.

No real trade economy or need for it - eg it could be that weapons mats were far more plentiful in tryker, and armour in matis - so you get racial specialities and a reason to trade. Could have the ability to build buildings which have ingame functions and the ability to destroy them via pvp fighting - so its worth defending your borders from kitins and other players.

could think up plenty more ideas to differentiate the realms and provoke the need for communication, roleplay and collaboration/altercation.

What you suggest would be great if we had all these options available to us, if we could 'decide things', if there were balanced differences betwen the races (as opposed to Tryker being distinctly disadvantaged from the outset due to oversights), if there were new and engaging content/plot to involve us constantly arriving....

There is a desperate need for content to make this a living breathing world outside of the bugs in gameplay that are too prevalent at the mo.

just my opinion - I still love the game but I'm starting to see the cracks.
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Re: Clueless devs

Post by shrike »

borg9 wrote:..I am sure that if GOLD armours, the only colour that has not been made (to my knowledge) had been acheived it week 1 too. It would have really killed part of the game for me personally...
How the hell do you make that one? AFAIK only the GMs have those.

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Re: Clueless devs

Post by jdiegel »

What I think is kinda funny is that everytime I see a fighter complain about the loot system all the crafters and harvesters jump down their throats about how the game was designed that way so that players would depend on other players. However, when issues about the root are brought up the same people jumping down the fighters throat do a complete 360 and complain about how they shouldn't have to depend on anyone when it comes to practicing their profession.

On a side note, I've never complained about the loot system...before anyone jumps down my throat.
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