Have you actually tried any of your own suggestions? Theres mobs in their that rip entire groups apart in moments. Its all very well to say this is how you do it or how you think you would do it. Whats important here is how the majority do it. Not the few.weiseman wrote:exactly
You mean the 1st bridge, north of Lucenthead hurst, guarded by kinchers. Yep?
Now look at your map, near "canyon pass" ooh looky here, there's another bridge leading to Luncenthead hurst! And there's no aggro !
Dragon's Spine has the same mobs as the rest of Outlaw canyon, reaching Thesos is quite easy, just need to be patient on specific moments, and really fast on others (and i don't mean run away if you just got aggroed)
"Impossible" eh? I do the run between Dyron and Pyr like 4-6 times a day (i always forget to buy that damn ticket) and every day i travel down to Thesos, even with large teams prone to get aggro, are we "über players" to master the "impossible" ?
Now concerning prime roots and the question «how do i harvest down there?» hehe, well there are a few answers coming to my mind:
1) be in a guild, get a team rolling, fighters & mages protect you from incoming mobs and/or clear the path
2) be a good solo harvester who earns his own money and look for a team willing to protect you: "i pay you x k if you escort me and protect me down in roots"
3) forget about prime roots for a while and get used to the rest of the desert first: matisian portal, scortched forest, scortched corridor, frahar towers, secret kami oasis... Once you did that and got used to travelling in hairy areas, get back to 1) or 2)
Telling devs don't want people to reach other areas is nonsense. If they really didn't want to, why the heck did they care doing portals and "link lands" like the prime roots eh? Just close the walls and holes leading to the portals and there you go, no more travelling.
Ah, last thing, if it's so impossible, how do you explain the fact that more and more new Zorais, Matis and Tryker player reach Pyr these last days? I'm not talking about those who already had the spawns before the patrols; i'm talking about the new ones who just arrived.
Duster - Dragon Order of Abylus.
PS: levels are just numbers, not a way to tell "i'm not a noob anymore"
I know of about 8 Tryker who after dying a dozen times have made it to Fyros, to Matis, to Zorii.. very good. If thats all you intend to do very good.
You try getting a mektoub packer from Pyr to Zorii Captital. Possible? It should be.
Join a guild? Why? Why should anyone have to join a guild to play a game? Why should they be forced to have to play to the whims of others?
Organising anything is nigh to impossible unless everyone gains from it, be it knowledge, xp or money, otherwise organising anything is a waste of time. Good intentions dont last long in Prime Roots. I'd like to see a team a whole team of players just try moving around south of deadtree let alone watch them try to kill 1 mob whilst a dozen others try to gouge them.
FYI i am in a guild. I do harvest in Pr, i have been to every town in Fyros. I know all the routes, i know the easy ways. This is not about what i know. It is about what everyone else doesnt know. And what they are highly unlikely to want to know because they've quit and gone to play someone elses game.
I know more and more people are playing ryzoms, but i also know more and more are leaving, many just to join other races, play alts.. many are simply leaving. And this is unacceptable. Remove the ability to harvest high level mats until we are high level, remove the static mobs on guard duty around all the lands, make them completely random i dont care, but make them MOVE about.
Access is certainly about patience, but it is also about success. You know someone made it, so you want to try, you try a dozen times, you learn, however eventually, two doors appear, one says Quit Game, uninstall and never return, the other says Keep Going, you might make it. And to many are taking the first door, and it is this which i find the most annoying, this fact and the reason why.