Problem with relauching please help
Re: Problem with relauching please help
at this point it isnt really worth it for me to look for all of that stuff. There are other games out there and while i would prefer to play this one it isnt worth the trouble and even if i did send the information it would probably still not work. Unless the card and driver is the problem i am going to find a different game.
Re: Problem with relauching please help
Actually drivers and/or card is commonly a problem people have. I myself had to switchmy drivers when I first started playing and have gone through many versions when I upgraded my card not so long ago.zath06 wrote:at this point it isnt really worth it for me to look for all of that stuff. There are other games out there and while i would prefer to play this one it isnt worth the trouble and even if i did send the information it would probably still not work. Unless the card and driver is the problem i am going to find a different game.
Re: Problem with relauching please help
The driver version you are using is not up to date. The current nvida driver for Windows XP is from 06/01/2006.zath06 wrote:my video card is a Nvidia geforce 6800 and the driver is:
driver provider: nvidia
driver date: 7/8/2005
driver version:
If you are not using Windows Xp then go here to select the appropriate driver.
I have a FX5500 and Ryzom runs very well with it, using the right graphics settings.
Re: Problem with relauching please help
i am downloading that driver now, thanks for letting me know. I hope it will work but i dont have good luck with technical problems.... ever....
Re: Problem with relauching please help
the card is perfect, but you have to put some effort into maintaining your pc with software updates and regular maintenance or you will always run into problems i'm afraid o.ozath06 wrote:at this point it isnt really worth it for me to look for all of that stuff. There are other games out there and while i would prefer to play this one it isnt worth the trouble and even if i did send the information it would probably still not work. Unless the card and driver is the problem i am going to find a different game.
rushin ~ asleep
Re: Problem with relauching please help
Good luck with the drivers, Zath, because actually it is worth it 

Re: Problem with relauching please help
drivers didnt work. I dont think im going to be able to fix the problem so i guess i will find another game. I really wish it would work though. I might try downloading it again tonight or something because i noticed something during the patching that said checksums do not correspon. If that doesnt work then i give up.
Re: Problem with relauching please help
and i do update my drivers i just do it on the pc check in control panel and apparently that didnt give me the newest drivers. Unfortunately it doesnt matter, even the new driver didnt fix the problem.
Re: Problem with relauching please help
did you try forcing the openGL?
i have a similar card to you and now i crash often before the game loads if i use directX
in your Ryzom folder is a file called ryzom_configuration_rd.exe run it, and in the display section there is an option to force openGL
and about the drivers, you need to uninstall, reboot and reinstall. if you just install over the top it will make a mess.. there is a sticky explaining a bit more
i have a similar card to you and now i crash often before the game loads if i use directX
in your Ryzom folder is a file called ryzom_configuration_rd.exe run it, and in the display section there is an option to force openGL
and about the drivers, you need to uninstall, reboot and reinstall. if you just install over the top it will make a mess.. there is a sticky explaining a bit more
rushin ~ asleep
Re: Problem with relauching please help
ok i will try both of those things.