sehracii wrote:I don't think that's true. If they set it up as a friendly battle ahead of time and didn't just turncoat, I think the allies would either split evenly between both sides or stay out altogether and make it pure GvG.
Not sure I'm following what you were disagreeing to, since I pretty much said the same thing you did in your previous post, lol.
Obviously though, if "arrangements" were made for a friendly GvG battle...I mean a *real* battle (not just the usual "hey, we're giving this OP over to so-and-so guild) then there wouldn't be any reason for KA to react in any way other than let it happen. To my knowledge this has never been done, and actually (as I've said elsewhere) I think it would be fun if this were done more.
(Gonna try an imbedded quote, hope I don't screw this up, lol)
sprite wrote:lexi44 wrote:"OP's have become more 'AvNA' (Alliance vs. Non-Alliance) than GvG or FvF". That is exactly the point I was making....that the Alliance views Alliance-held OP's as "their own" and anyone attacking an Alliance OP will generally meet the majority of the Alliance on the battlefield.
Hmm, I refuted this sentence when you first said it but you've brought up another facet of it so I'll try again (hopefully without nitpicking )
That is indeed true in most cases, but in the same way "anyone attacking" a Fyros OP "will generally meet the majority of the" Kamist and Fyros Neutral guilds (*) "on the battlefield". Not too sure how this is any different
(*) Among others depending on the situation, and with the same provisions Sinera made in her post
Hehehe Sprite, ya know I love ya to pieces and you are fun to debate stuff with!
I didn't really bring up a "different" facet it to it - this is what I've been saying all along, I'm just using different words to try to explain what I meant. I've never said there is anything inherently *wrong* with the KA protecting KA OP's...afterall, that's one of the reasons the KA ever came together to begin with.
The point I've been trying to make is that the KA has grown soooooooo large, and now there are so many KA-held OP's that it doesn't leave a lot of OP's "open" to battle over....unless, like I said, a KA guild wants to risk a *real* attack on another KA guild's OP. Again, on the surface there is nothing really WRONG with this...but at the same time for those that WANT to have some good ole "bloody" (as in bloodshed) fun, it doesn't leave a lot of options open.
There are a good number of Homins that just wanna have some good OP has nothing to do with "power" or "crystals", or "mats" or even race/color/creed...they just wanna see OP's fought for and fought to keep. And you are right, has come right down to "KA doesn't want to attack KA"..."Fyros doesn't want to attack Fyros"...."Kami doesn't want to attack Kami" and [insert any race/faction/alliance here]...because of that we have more "false declarations" and more "our guild is just gonna give this OP to your guild" than we have actual OP battles!
I do highly respect a *great deal* of those in the KA...I've come to know many of you as well as possible in an online game, and in many cases it goes beyond just "respect" are my friends. I know, and you know, there are a vocal *very few* that have that "we wanna own it all" mentality, but in all respect to the KA - that hasn't happened and I doubt it will. First of all, there are many of you that see the "problems" with that, and secondly the KA *would* have one heck of a battle if they tried, lol.
For whoever brought it up here, yes I have been watching the "Nexus vs. OV" thread. As both a Tryker and a once-member of OmegaV I will make no comment on what is happening there. All I can say from my neutral stance in this particular "issue" is that people should be able to RP in anyway they want to...without being told their RP is "stupid". 'Tis true, some RP better than others, but hey we aren't all RP geniuses.

What is all boils down to is simply: Nexus declared war on OmegaV. To me, their reasons are only slightly important. As you said, "all actions have consequences"....Nexus declaring is a consequence for someone's action on them (or on Trykers, not really sure which)...just as they will have consequences for declaring on OV. Why do 'we' have to call them stupid or pick apart their reason for doing it? They could have just as easily said "hey we're declaring on OV. Why? Cuz we want to". Why does there HAVE to be any RP reason at all, much less what someone else deems a "good" one?
Blah! Sorry for the long post - I need to shut up and get in-game! hehehe