That's really nice of her.tylarth wrote:Jena allows all who chose her way the freedom to determine their own path be it rogue or saint.
So... we're free unless we annoy her? Doesn't sound like much of a freedom to me, if we have to tiptoe around the whole time, hoping she's not in a mood.tylarth wrote:All are equal unless they anger her.
Well, that could just be because she wanted us to worship her, rather than because of anything against slavery as such. But I havnt heard the Kami say anything against slavery before now, it's mainly us Trykers who get hot under the collar about it.tylarth wrote:Jena does not wish slavery as the Kami claim, For she rescued Homin from the dragon's slavery...
Really, where does it say that in the history books? Because I can't find any mention of it. All I see is that it was fighting by Loria's company and the Fyros army that freed my ancestors.tylarth wrote: ...and in more recent history persuaded the matis to stop the tryker slavery.
So she's willing to kill a load of Kami, and any homins who follow them, but she's not going to lift a finger if the Matis try to enslave us? Is that right?tylarth wrote:...her hand does not move for matters homins can deal with, yet in the face of the Great swarm it moved, and now against the the tyranny of the Kami it moves once more.
Except she didn't. Both Kami and Karavan proved pretty useless against the Kitin, and most homins WERE slaughtered. Only a few made it to the prime roots sanctuary, and a few more scattered tribes scraped a living for years until they made it to the new lands as refugees years later. It took two years before the Kami and Karavan managed to drive the Kitin back underground, allowing homins back to the surface.tylarth wrote: The same benign that saved hominkind from slaughter by kitin,...
Trykers are best served by the current balance of power. Matis can't attack us, as a Fyros/Tryker alliance has proven to be too strong in the past. The Kami are no threat to us, with the balance of power between the Kami and Karavan being maintained. And maintaining the strength of all our civilisations is vital against the Kitin menace. This is why I advocate Tryker defensive alliances with both Fyros and Matis guilds, hell Zorai too if they're interested.tylarth wrote: But an alliance with Fyros or Zorai would ultmatly be fighting for the denial of Tryker freedom as they both support Kami to whom Tryker freedoms are not condusive to the Kami balance.
Sounds great! Only spoiled by the friendship of the Matis with the Bounty Beach slavers, and by the original version of Yrkanis's speech (before he realised that it wouldn't go down too well with his allies and had the offending lines removed ).tylarth wrote: The Matis learnt from their past errors that the Tryker spirit cannot be tamed, nor condecended to, that the tryker when united are as strong as any nation, thus from begrudging respect of the matis' own lack of forethought, they sought common interest and mutaul friendship, as matis and tryker fundamental beleifs are in essense the same, the freedom to achieve ones goal whether exploration and lifes experiences or the pursuit of perfection, the two race became close and natural allies, there diverse views allowing a genesis of creativity and union.
"...For too long a time we have abandoned the future which is ours by right. To conquer the common races and to reign over this world.
The hour has come for Matis to awaken and to show the world the true measure of our strength and the value of the noble blood which flows in our veins. The enemy cannot ignore us, for each of us will have his part to play in the coming battle with the weapons to which he is best suited. Many homin will align themselves to the enemy banner of Ma-Duk and others could well join with the enigmatic Tryton who may so foolishly oppose our will."