Completely Far-Fetched and Unlikely Idea for Ryzom

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Re: Completely Far-Fetched and Unlikely Idea for Ryzom

Post by korin77 »

Thats different though, Square is the largest developer for Sony. Im sure they have made so much money off of them that they would agree to anything. If you noticed though, the new Playstation in the works does not have the port necessary for the FFXI hardrive unit that currently plugs into the back of the PS2. So all the new buyers would not be able to play FFXI without some kind of special adaptor. I wonder if it was intentional or an oversight.

Microsoft would never partner up with Nerax, especially not an online product. They would probably only allow those games that are totally under their control and I don't think a foreign company would fill that role.
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Re: Completely Far-Fetched and Unlikely Idea for Ryzom

Post by stellus »

You never know. Each situation is different. Even though Square and Sony have had tight relations before the FFXI PS2 launch, the situation could have been (legally) similar.

Would I be concerned if MS took over Nevrax's publishing (not development)? Not too much. Would I be concerned if they took over all ownership of Nevrax's game? Most likely.
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Re: Completely Far-Fetched and Unlikely Idea for Ryzom

Post by bkwrm13 »

MS issues asside though, my concern would be a dumbing down of the game to meet the xbox controller interface. Sure you could require a xbox *cough*USB*cough* keyboard, but the xbox controller is no real substitute for a mouse. Of course you could require a xbox mouse too, but would people be willing to pay $50+ for the xtra hardware for their xbox? The only ones crazy enough to blow $500 for a new graphics card for a new game are PC gamers. :eek: By itself, the xbox controller would in no way allow the amazing amount of customization that is one of this games' strengths. I wouldn't want new features not be introduced because xbox players wouldn't be able use it.

BTW, I'm a former PC gamer junkie, currently mostly console gamer, and returning to the PC just for this game. :)
Zorai - Hoisin; Matis - Oreilly
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Re: Completely Far-Fetched and Unlikely Idea for Ryzom

Post by stellus »

Hey, people shelled out 300 for FFXI. They had to BUY their hard drive =P
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Re: Completely Far-Fetched and Unlikely Idea for Ryzom

Post by bkwrm13 »

And don't they regret it now that the slimline PS2 w/out HD upgradability came out. :) Whoops, forgot about the PS2ers.
Zorai - Hoisin; Matis - Oreilly
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