rushin wrote:you know what the trouble is, they (Nevrax) try really hard to adapt and adopt to the needs of the market, and the players.
I can tell by how responsive they have been to all the pleas for non PvP content.
rushin wrote:They look at the market, and see WoW with its silly subscriber numbers, put 2 and 2 together and spend all their time and energy implemented a PvP system.
Perhaps it might have ocurred to you or Nevrax that, if we wanted what WoW has, we would be playing WoW instead. Blizzard certainly been doing it longer and better than Nevrax. Perhapos the reason we are here is we don't want what WoW has to offer ?????
The logic is akin to fresh seafood restaurant with 3 items on the menu wondering why they don't have full tables every night coming up with an idea that "hey, McDonalds has 99 gazillion sold, Let's sell Big Macs, that will bring people in the doors....btter yet, let's make it so that you xan only order our usual stuff if you take a Big mac with it".
Perhaps having more than 3 choices on the menu for the loyal crowd you do have would hav ebeen a betetr idea.
rushin wrote:i feel sorry for Nevrax, all they get is sh1t from their playerbase, it seems to me whatever they do would not be right for some people. A post earlier asked for Nevrax to communicate better, well maybe they should ask us to, and try to remove the rabid ranting, name calling, threats and idiocy that fills these boards every day.
Maybe they should ask us to ??????? Geez how many "Leave me out of it" posts do you need ?