Rollback???? Not acceptable.

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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by svayvti »

diabest wrote:Banning exploiters is much more easier and smoother way...
That requires catching all of them, hardly easier or smoother... except for those smooth enough to get away with exploiting.
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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by jdiegel »

diabest wrote:Banning exploiters is much more easier and smoother way...
That doesn't accomplish anything if the exploiters spent all morning dumping fake credits into the economy. Maybe they should ban everyone that recieved the fake credits too. Yeah. That'd fix it.
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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by tarlane »

We all just took a small hit, I've seen days of rollback on other MMO's to deal with server exploits. I thought it was pretty impressive that the dev's caught it so quickly that we only needed a few hours of rollback. This will put the economy back to where it should be and then they can deal with the exploiters in whatever way they see fit.
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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by rudedog3 »

I agree, I don't like losing my work today anymore than anyone else but I also don't want all my work leveling so i can make better goods to sell worthless by a destroyed econnomy because of exploiters. Also as stated 2 hrs is nothing when compared to some other rollbacks I have seen before.
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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by jhaan »

I am very impressed with the speed in which Nevrax found this. They caught it and put a patch for it within a matter of hours, and no one was affected TOO badly. An hour or two of lost time is nothing in the whole MMO scheme of things. If you're gonna be pissed about something, be pissed at the idiots who cheated.
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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by daleknd »

diabest wrote:Banning exploiters is much more easier and smoother way...
Does anyone know the time frame of the rollback, in other words, which few hours are we talking about losing?
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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by deadwolf »

Sure banning exploiters will work. But how are devs going to fix the exploit with out a rollback if needed?

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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by jdexter1 »

Other companies have taken care of exploiters without penalizing the entire server community.

Yes, exploiters should be banned, with their CC address used to prevent any further accounts being created.

As to how they could prepare for something they don't know about? How about logging? How about going through the logs and seeing which characters did x thing x number of times?

Hell, even AE was able to do that, and they absolutely stink as a company.

As for whining, whatever. I don't feel like I was dealt with in the correct manner as far as CS is concerned. If you want to take it then that's your choice, but I think its about time we demand more from a company. The very least would have been an announcement of the truth of the matter, there was none. On the Klients, no one would respond at all for a while and when they did, it was totally different information than what Cerest posted here (On Klients they said it was the server stopped saving, here Cerest eluded to it being a rollback)

You don't like what I have to say, fine. Don't read my posts.

It's not about a few hours work, its about what it says about the company and its ability to handle things that come up unexpectedly, and with that, Nevrax has failed on this occassion. They failed to prepare for exploiters (and they exist in every game, it's not a new phenomena) and they failed to be up front and honest with their player base. They failed to respond to the actual calls for support as well.

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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by jdexter1 »

cerest wrote:30 minutes before the shards were brought down.

Cerest, that is not accurate. I certainly didn't get 3 levels in 30 minutes. That was my entire morning of hunt.

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Re: Rollback???? Not acceptable.

Post by raynes »

cerest wrote:30 minutes before the shards were brought down.
Is that it? Then there really is nothing to complain about.

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