As previously announced, Nevrax has just added a new set of features to the Now In Test Section over on the official website. In order to be able to provide Nevrax with more detailed feedback, we'll be adding separate feedback threads for some of the items listed there.
[ E M O T E ]
Some changes in some emotes, such as the 'suspicious' one, as it is
illogical for an homin to be suspicious to himself.
Its hard to comment on these changes unless we are told what they actualy are :/
Zoraï : Master Desert/Forest/Jungle/Lakeland/PR Forager , Master Light Melee Weapon Smith , Jeweler Master , 201+ in All 39 Craft Branchs , All Craft Trainer and Outpost plans -gone walkabout (solo) awaiting new content
"There are no OMG's of mass destruction"
ATM its "Petej looks at everyone suspiciously" , which also makes sence to me lol
Zoraï : Master Desert/Forest/Jungle/Lakeland/PR Forager , Master Light Melee Weapon Smith , Jeweler Master , 201+ in All 39 Craft Branchs , All Craft Trainer and Outpost plans -gone walkabout (solo) awaiting new content
"There are no OMG's of mass destruction"
Hey, why dontcha add the /emote command while you're at it (if it's not too difficult)? A lot of players want this.
/emote annoy the devs
*Fyrx annoys the devs*
Which also reminds me of another thing. If you have bubble chat turn on, you can go to no chat interface (turn off chat window) and still be able to see chat messages inbubbles (I use it a lot for making video). But for emotes, it only shows up in the chat window and doesn't have bubble display in-game, only the actual animation. I was wondering if it would be possible to add emote text as bubble also, but maybe have some indicators that it's emote text instead of chat message, like *Fyrx flexes*.
This is one I would rate as trivial, If it can be done by the work experience kid/cleaning lady - without taking anyone away from the important stuff, then i guess they might as well tick it off their to-do list, but dont waste any time on it.