Q&A Round IX

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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by ilthor »

sidusar wrote:everything dangerous out there is part of an alliance to destroy hominkind
hmmm, got to love a good conspiracy theory :p

Anyways, the faunas AI has some work to be done and the questons asked about that are VERY relevant.
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by systemv »

Neutral was mentioned as viable option for outposts in one of your previous Q&As.

How is Neutral going to be implemented?

Will Neutral be a faction or just based on fame?
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by sidusar »

vutescu wrote:LOL. They have positive fame regarding the predators.

/joke off

Because would be too easy for players to pull predators to predators, to watch the fight then to kill the weakened winner.
Heh, wouldn't it be nice if positive fame with the gibads/cuzans/fraiders would stop the gibais/cutes/frahars from attacking you?
But back on topic, I don't think that would be easy at all, let alone too easy. For one thing, this can be done already by pulling predators to strong herbivores. I've tried doing this myself in the past, but once the predator is after me, it will not attack the herbivore until I'm dead. So pulling predator A to predator B would result in BOTH of them attacking and killing me before they turn on eachother.
Pulling predators to herbivores only works on shorelines, where you can jump in the water to make the predator 'forget' about you and turn on the herbivore instead. But even then it wouldn't be easy to pull a predator on another predator, as you'd have to find two different kinds of predators both close to the water and close to eachother and then time it just right to get them in range of eachother without getting yourself killed. If you can pull that of, in my opinion you've earned the easy kill.
ilthor wrote:hmmm, got to love a good conspiracy theory :p
Hmm, I hadn't even considered it might be part of the story. Maybe we'll find out later that the kitins and predators and everything are all controlled by some powerfull force that incites them to team up against homins. *hopes this doesn't start another fight between Karavan and Kami followers about who's controlling them*
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by keoni »

Q: What factors affect the rate that Kami tolerance drops? In particular, what can I do as a harvester to minimize the damage done? Also, is there anything that we can do to make the tolerance recharge faster, or does that just seep back up at a set rate?
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by Lukati »

Xavier, I've been wondering a bit about what the workings are behind the Bleeding Stanza. The public opinion is fairly varied on the topic, which pretty much proves the point that this Stanza is shrouded in a bit of mystery.

I'm wondering if we can all get some specifics on this Stanza, as well as what's being done to spice up melee combat in general. As of right now, as far as I can tell, the combat trees become fairly mundane after 100, if not before then. And are there any plans to improve Bleeding? (And Slow, since I've heard that doesn't work so well either) Thanks!
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by morzyr »

How can Chars and Guilds get "lost"? this is kind of serius don't you think?
And what are Nevrax doing to prevent this form happing in the future?

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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by geezas »

Xavier wrote:As for even bigger patches, such as chapter III, we are currently increasing our focus on the development of the outposts. Within a few weeks, an early draft of the outposts should reach the ATS - this will be a rough and really incomplete version (it will only be 30% complete). Once on the ATS, development and testing will move along, until the point where it will be feature complete and the tests successful - we will then pass it live.
<frustrated mode one>
I'm sorry, but this does not make me verry happy. It has been a while since release, in wich this was promised. if in a few weeks a rough version of the outposts feature will be on ATS it will take about 3 more months to get it ingame. When it gets ingame there will be the usual bugs and problems. *points to the rites that are on test for ages*
Xavier wrote: We have different goals in mind for the new interface. First, we want it to have a better ergonomy, so it better fits to the gameplay and is more understandable, with the functions grouped in a more consistent way. We are also working on the interface's evolutivity, to ease the work of the teams working on it internaly, so we can modify it more quickly in the future. And, last but not least, we want better graphics !

Please note that we have a small team dedicated on this on the background, so it's more a long-term work than something we will realease in the next few months.
<frustrated mode on>
Get that team to test the rites, what good will a new interface do in a year. if they can make a interface they can click on a NPC to test a rite.

<sarcasm mode on>
Now I know why it takes a long time to bring guilds/chars back, there are people working on the interface

*takes a deep breath*

Just had to write that off me...
Last edited by geezas on Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Found I could be sarcastic aswell
Aina - homin
Oh lookie a thingy, that would go very well with this thingy I have here and the other thingy I found at the uhm thingy near uhm well, that's not important right now. This might make a excellent thingy to hit thingies with :D
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by raynes »

What happened to the story? There have been no updates to it for sometime. There has been no content to feature it. Where is it?
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by talazen »

My question is simple... Why havnt you fixed... or reallowed for logging off to char selection screen... is this option never goign to be reactived if no... can there be a faster way to log of with out having to restart the whole game
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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by pr0ger »

about consumable 'potions' goods.
it will be different types of consumable goods, from the traditional healing item to some rare types of vegetables with unkown effects...
from easter egg events, i thank you to make it all right : no "buff" possibilities like charging ourselve with tons of healing powder and chain-using them (and so being immortal for a while, especially in PvP/GvG) !

so another question :
Will you add device items ? something you can use when in your inventory and never disappear (or maybe have to be loaded with "shots").

There is interesting possbilities like a noise-maker to afraid herbivorous, or karavan technologies things : an instant ressurect device, a "cloak from mob" device...
there is lots of RP related thing possible with device items
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