Server merger?

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Server merger?

Post by piknik2 »

Could have made this a poll thread, but there's too many of those silly things as is :) I'm curious as to what the rest of you ( and possibly even feedback from nev ) would think of a server merger? There's four SoR servers, and I'm sure it's not only Windimeer which is underpopulated. Suprised I couldn't really dig up anything about this in the forums from earlier?!?

More people to play with alleviates most of the problems we ( especially new players ) have finding groups. And in this, now, very group centric game -- this is of high importance. It can also serve as better intermediatary while we wait for more content. So much easier to have a good time with others around to talk / party with. This will also lead to more events and other general activity especially when the servers go partially PvP. Would be rather silly to have all these great faction / race wars when there's only like 30 zorai to the entire race ( for example :) ).

I think we can get around most of the language barrier issues. Two of the server are already english. And the other two use a language that shares the same alphabet as english. I've played in other games before that had a very multi-national flavor ( Lineage 2 ) and it can work. Before anyone flames me about L2 and all the ___insert race here___ adena farmers, griefers etc... I'm already well aware of it. THAT was a problem of POOR game design and not a symptom of having different cultures co-mingle on the same server.

Anyways, I'm hoping more of you will chime in on this. Please also, do not let this thread degenerate into another whine / cry / rant about the incoming PvP aspect of the game :)
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Re: Server merger?

Post by zumwalt »

Won't happen, the reason why there is 4 is geographical reasons.

When the NA server was originally in Europe, we had such great lag the game was unplayable, once they moved the NA server to New York, it became possible to play again.

European cable is expensive and the cost usually is per packet, and generally there using Global Net or another one of the local ISP's, so it is in there financial intrest to keep the packet count at a minimum.

Since it is a French company running the game, they don't even offer phone support, all support is via Klient or boards or even email.

They do not have the resources that Sony or a other major companies have so again, this makes it an unfeasible venture.

It boils down to finances.
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Re: Server merger?

Post by gddss »

I don't want a server merger. I don't have any problems as is trying to find something to do and the way this game is going now, I expect there will be alot more players eventually. I would rather see few peopel on for now and have a comfortable fit later rather than merge now and have to unmerge later when the server is so overpopulated you cannot swing your pike at a mob for fear of knocking off your fellow Tryker's head. The time to talk about a server merger is like we are with our server on EQ when it's an old game and your server is slowly dying. SOR has just begun and will continue to grow much much more I am sure.
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Re: Server merger?

Post by zumwalt »

On second thought, he said knocking off your fellow Trykers head.. merge away.

Trykers killing Trykers saves me work :)

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Re: Server merger?

Post by bandwgn »

piknik2 wrote:Could have made this a poll thread, but there's too many of those silly things as is :) I'm curious as to what the rest of you ( and possibly even feedback from nev ) would think of a server merger? There's four SoR servers, and I'm sure it's not only Windimeer which is underpopulated. Suprised I couldn't really dig up anything about this in the forums from earlier?!?

More people to play with alleviates most of the problems we ( especially new players ) have finding groups. And in this, now, very group centric game -- this is of high importance. It can also serve as better intermediatary while we wait for more content. So much easier to have a good time with others around to talk / party with. This will also lead to more events and other general activity especially when the servers go partially PvP. Would be rather silly to have all these great faction / race wars when there's only like 30 zorai to the entire race ( for example :) ).

I think we can get around most of the language barrier issues. Two of the server are already english. And the other two use a language that shares the same alphabet as english. I've played in other games before that had a very multi-national flavor ( Lineage 2 ) and it can work. Before anyone flames me about L2 and all the ___insert race here___ adena farmers, griefers etc... I'm already well aware of it. THAT was a problem of POOR game design and not a symptom of having different cultures co-mingle on the same server.

Anyways, I'm hoping more of you will chime in on this. Please also, do not let this thread degenerate into another whine / cry / rant about the incoming PvP aspect of the game :)
Since others have responded already about the geographical need for different servers I'll only say that I'm sorry you have such a problem finding people to group with when you want to. I play a Zorai named Siel and have no problem finding people to group with when I want to unless it has gotten very late at night. I play out of the West Coast so there does tend to be fewer on sometimes, but I have still seen as many as 20-30 on with me at 2am PST. Feel free to send me a tell in-game anytime and I'd be more than happy to group with you.
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Re: Server merger?

Post by lyrah68 »

The population of ANY game waxes and wanes. I played EQ for sixish years before I started my beta testing passtime. I had a rather meaty friends list and watched the onlines change from school year, to holiday, to summer and back again. And even discounting college "kids", which not too many that age play this game anyway, adults get BUSY around this time of year.

I was the snack mom for an online mom's chat group, real time play group for preschool kids in my area. And the number of cancelations for play dates around this time of year were enough to flat out cancel MANY December and January play dates flat out (this with a group of 20 mothers, and around 35 kids, and a minimum number for a playdate being 5 mothers and 8 kids.).

Short version, this is the Holidays, MOST of us are VERY busy, last minute shopping, band/choir concerts, tickets for the Nutcracker, and on and on. TRUST me, many of the people that are MIA not "left for good" will return with FORCE in January, more than ready to jump back into the fantasy world.
I mean who wouldn't be a bit holiday "hung over" after all the parties and gifts and merriment is gone and the bills for all that start to come in.

In fact I have recently been VERY busy starting a business, so I haven't been able to spend HALF the time in game that I want. Topped off with three Christmas parties not including family, and my daughters school party, and her VERY first band concert.

I wouldn't worry about consolidation at this point, not yet. Plus I wouldn't count this game out of being given as a gift to a friend, or teen child by a player of this game (my daughter got her copy already as her birthday gift two weeks post release).

Plus the servers are divided by country and language spoken. Not that I wouldn't want to mix with the Brits, rather civilized bunch they are, but the French and German might have difficulties, or we might have difficulties, due to language barrier. (although I understand that MOST European nations speak better English than we do...for the most part).
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Re: Server merger?

Post by piknik2 »

LOL holiday hangover.

I was more thinking towards the future. The game is pulling enough new players to about keep up, maybe slightly exceed, the amount of people leaving. Do you think we have enough to do large scale raids and such?

Or rather maybe, just being a Zorai is lonely hehe, I dunno.
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Re: Server merger?

Post by vinnyq »

See, part of the problem also is that the players on the same server are split into 4 different races, and the distant between are so far apart that it's like we are all playing in our own little world.

This will change in time.

Once we get more people to acquire spawns and portal tickets all across Atys, we'll see more people jumping back and forth between different lands to do *different* stuff.

Well, as long as there're incentives for doing so. E.G. doing missions for different race will actually mean something, unique items/armors/mats at different land to draw people, etc.

Fyros is still the best place to live though :P
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Re: Server merger?

Post by lyrah68 »

I agree Vin. Fyrosian lands do not have such FREEKISH vagarities of temperature. I almost FROZE to death on the run from Thesos to Yrk. And when I got there and bought my NEW super ubber Matisian light armor *GASP* you are kidding me is snowing out and I am more naked WITH armor on than without??? *boggle* Now we know why Matis are so thin, they burn the fat off trying to stay warm/alive in all that snow wearing less than the average Fryos wears to bed at night. o.0
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Re: Server merger?

Post by vinnyq »

... and they do blood sacrifices to the Karavan every night.

It's true you know.
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