More people to play with alleviates most of the problems we ( especially new players ) have finding groups. And in this, now, very group centric game -- this is of high importance. It can also serve as better intermediatary while we wait for more content. So much easier to have a good time with others around to talk / party with. This will also lead to more events and other general activity especially when the servers go partially PvP. Would be rather silly to have all these great faction / race wars when there's only like 30 zorai to the entire race ( for example

I think we can get around most of the language barrier issues. Two of the server are already english. And the other two use a language that shares the same alphabet as english. I've played in other games before that had a very multi-national flavor ( Lineage 2 ) and it can work. Before anyone flames me about L2 and all the ___insert race here___ adena farmers, griefers etc... I'm already well aware of it. THAT was a problem of POOR game design and not a symptom of having different cultures co-mingle on the same server.
Anyways, I'm hoping more of you will chime in on this. Please also, do not let this thread degenerate into another whine / cry / rant about the incoming PvP aspect of the game