Can any one read French or German?

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Can any one read French or German?

Post by vinnyq »

I want to know what they're talking about over there in the French forum and the German forum.

Can anyone translate some of these titles?


MP pour Gants de Mage ...

petits commandes utiles (I can guess this one, petition for some commands utilities or something like that :P )

Question à tous les masochistes... (masochistes ... masochistes ... good word, that)

Convoi de Mektoub ^^ (ooo packers thread, what are you guys saying in here?)


Maps mit Portern und Spawnpunkten?

PVP? Warum muss man ein Spiel mit Gewalt verschandeln?

Der Patch26 Mecker Maul und Freu Thread? (Packer thread?)

... more later
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by trosky »

I can translate french, its my first language, do you want the whole post or only the title ?

Titles in order :

Mats for mage gloves (MP = matiere premiere = mats)

Usefull small commands

Question for all the masochist :D

Mektoub convoy
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by vinnyq »

Just the title and maybe a few sentences of what the thread is about, and overall opinion.

I hope it's not too much to ask ...

I just want to know if maybe they have the same complaints and view points that we do. Seeing how the European English threads parallel a lot of ours (altho the seems to have a lot more fun ...), I am guessing this is the case. I still would like to know though. The players on the french server might be HAPPY about the packer/pvp changes for all we know ...

Thanks trosky! You muy bon!
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by vinnyq »

merci boocoo troski! rather ...
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by iphdrunk »

I'll go for french only (I read you only want the titles, not the whole posts/threads :P )
vinnyq wrote: 1 MP pour Gants de Mage ...
2 petits commandes utiles (I can guess this one, petition for some commands utilities or something like that :P )
3 Question à tous les masochistes... (masochistes ... masochistes ... good word, that)
4 Convoi de Mektoub ^^ (ooo packers thread, what are you guys saying in here?)
1 MP: Matières Premières: Raw mats "Required raw mats for Magician gloves/amplifiers.."
2 "some tiny useful commands" (petites=tiny, not petition)
3 "Question for all the maso ppl" (ppl that like the suffering/pain, I guess it's a question for all the players that are doing something hard/grinding/etc.)
4 convoi de mektoub = the post is about a run from tryker to thesos... In fact the player has read a few posts regarding the latest changes to packers, and he's proposing a sort of event, he's asking a few mates about getting a few packers and travel along with them... the purpose it's twofold: have fun :) and check if the "death mektoub" issue has been fixed

Hope this helps
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by vinnyq »

what? No whine? no complaints? No packers are de suxor die die die!?

They wanna plan a packers caravan trip wot???

... ooo ... that sounds like fun ...

I think I am gunna empty out my packer and take him out for a walk ...
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by trosky »

The only topic that can look like one we have here is the question for the mazo people. The guy is asking why some users are happy when the Devs make the game thougher. (lol im a maso)

Many answered that Ryzom is not dificult compared to some others mmorpg, other that they like challenge. Not many post defending the poster point of view.
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by zumwalt »

actually the french are very straight forward, they don't get as much into melodramtics as us english

same with the german, they really see no need in it, if they want it they come to our threads
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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by atreis »

Actually the french community made a lot of negative comments about the new packers nerf. I think only about 10-20% of the posts are positive.

To sum up :

Negative comments:
- Why does Nevrax sacrifice gameplay for the sake of "realism" ?
- Why weren't we warned about the packers nerf BEFORE the patch so we could get ready for it ?
- If they want us to travel with our packers, they should make them more resistant / healable / able to teleport with us.

Positive comments :
-More realistic
-Opens new possibilities like expeditions for packers.

[biased] In the "Convoi de Mektoubs" post, they want to make the expedition with empty or filled with useless stuff packers, looks like they find the nerf "interesting" but aren't as ready to live with it as they pretend to be :)

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Re: Can any one read French or German?

Post by xenofur »

vinnyq wrote:Maps mit Portern und Spawnpunkten?

PVP? Warum muss man ein Spiel mit Gewalt verschandeln?

Der Patch26 Mecker Maul und Freu Thread? (Packer thread?)
maps with teleports and spawn points? - guy wants maps with all those on them(from fan pages)

PVP? Why try so hard to ruin this game? - lots of whiners who fear being pk'ed in the roots

The Patch26 praise and ***** thread - just general discussions, mainly about the packers
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