How would YOU improve this game?
How would YOU improve this game?
Easy question, hard to answer. But I would like to see everyone's opinion on how they would change/tweak/add/remove things in the game to their own personal liking.
In response to the ignorant players out there:
I have more heart than anyone would know
I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.

I have more heart than anyone would know

Re: How would YOU improve this game?
Easy. I'd make what doesn't work, work. I'd put what isn't in, in.xcomvic wrote:Easy question, hard to answer. But I would like to see everyone's opinion on how they would change/tweak/add/remove things in the game to their own personal liking.
And I'd paint big red targets on Matis, make Karavan killable, and have daisy's and roses grow out of Kitin heads (this used to be the case you know..

- N
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
it still is en't it?
Pheid, mektoub poop scooper of Comitatus Praetorian.
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
Really haven't had the chance to .. er.. stop and smell the roses lately. I'll have to check next timebotello wrote:it still is en't it?

- N
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
I would put in MUCH more history, make those NPC's in town have a bit of the story. What else are they there for, other than lagging you out?
I would have a bit of the story on EACH Kami or Karavan, of course with their SLANT or as the media people would call it, SPIN on it. (the Welcomer missions in newbie lands is an example of it, EACH race has a slightly different Spin on the past, which is how history is. The "story" and the "truth" changes with which culture is telling it.)
I would add the ability to travel from zone to zone without the REDIOULOUS death scenes. I don't think that it is realistic to die 50K times just trying to explore.
I would tweek range to the point of being a comparable skill to EITHER melee (ANY branch of this) or Magic.
I would SLOWLY add to the technological data base, as players discovered odd artifacts, they could "return" these items to various trainers, or some NPC involved with such things, Shamen, historians, magicians or other "scholars" would then "process" these items (read, reverse engineer them) then the trainers would have new forms for items that could be crafted. This could even open up NEW skill trees in crafting.
I would open up the branches, and have a NEW skill discovered, possibly under magic, OR a technological alternative, to allow breathing the rarified air up on the branches.
I would allow for NEW more diverse armor looks, after a FRENCH company made this game, and what is FRANCE known for??? What did you say?? Oh yeah FASHION? Yep Bingo *lights flash and bells ring*
And what goes with fashion better than a GOOD coiffuer (hairstyle for those that got into the Spanish classes)? Exactly.
I would make various means of transport, with Varrying prices, price would have a DIRECT affect on the safety of that means of transport. Like a Mektoub, cheepest way around, but NOT the safest by FAR. Then a cart, slightly faster, might increase the agro range of some mobs as they ARE loud you know. A mech cart, MUCH more expensive, faster and safer, but still a chance of SOME mobs catching up. Insta port, similar to Karavan/Kami ports, but from civilization to Civi without having been there first and a HUGE price tag around that of a homin apt (think bicycle, car, bus, and plane tickets and their price ranges. For SOME people, even owning a car is out of their reach, much less a PRICEY plane ticket. While for others, they even own their OWN planes.) You could even have a Tourist route, where a group of locals would lead a tour, complete with a sensitive guard duty protection, but the price tag on this one would be like a Texan flying to London for a week long trip with daily other words, ONCE in a lifetime...if you are that lucky.
I would have a bit of the story on EACH Kami or Karavan, of course with their SLANT or as the media people would call it, SPIN on it. (the Welcomer missions in newbie lands is an example of it, EACH race has a slightly different Spin on the past, which is how history is. The "story" and the "truth" changes with which culture is telling it.)
I would add the ability to travel from zone to zone without the REDIOULOUS death scenes. I don't think that it is realistic to die 50K times just trying to explore.
I would tweek range to the point of being a comparable skill to EITHER melee (ANY branch of this) or Magic.
I would SLOWLY add to the technological data base, as players discovered odd artifacts, they could "return" these items to various trainers, or some NPC involved with such things, Shamen, historians, magicians or other "scholars" would then "process" these items (read, reverse engineer them) then the trainers would have new forms for items that could be crafted. This could even open up NEW skill trees in crafting.
I would open up the branches, and have a NEW skill discovered, possibly under magic, OR a technological alternative, to allow breathing the rarified air up on the branches.
I would allow for NEW more diverse armor looks, after a FRENCH company made this game, and what is FRANCE known for??? What did you say?? Oh yeah FASHION? Yep Bingo *lights flash and bells ring*
And what goes with fashion better than a GOOD coiffuer (hairstyle for those that got into the Spanish classes)? Exactly.
I would make various means of transport, with Varrying prices, price would have a DIRECT affect on the safety of that means of transport. Like a Mektoub, cheepest way around, but NOT the safest by FAR. Then a cart, slightly faster, might increase the agro range of some mobs as they ARE loud you know. A mech cart, MUCH more expensive, faster and safer, but still a chance of SOME mobs catching up. Insta port, similar to Karavan/Kami ports, but from civilization to Civi without having been there first and a HUGE price tag around that of a homin apt (think bicycle, car, bus, and plane tickets and their price ranges. For SOME people, even owning a car is out of their reach, much less a PRICEY plane ticket. While for others, they even own their OWN planes.) You could even have a Tourist route, where a group of locals would lead a tour, complete with a sensitive guard duty protection, but the price tag on this one would be like a Texan flying to London for a week long trip with daily other words, ONCE in a lifetime...if you are that lucky.
Last edited by lyrah68 on Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Son cried in middle of first post, had to finish it later.
Reason: Son cried in middle of first post, had to finish it later.
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
I would second all your other ideas except for your exploration one....lyrah68 wrote:I don't think that it is realistic to die 50K times just trying to explore.
The above quote isn't realistic, you're right. Realistically, you only die once. But then you can't explore anymore.
Poker of things, caster of sparklies, maker of stuff, digger of dirt, wanderer of paths....
Oh yea, and Princess~
Oh yea, and Princess~
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
I completely agree.lyrah68 wrote:I would put in MUCH more history, make those NPC's in town have a bit of the story. What else are they there for, other than lagging you out?
I would have a bit of the story on EACH Kami or Karavan, of course with their SLANT or as the media people would call it, SPIN on it. (the Welcomer missions in newbie lands is an example of it, EACH race has a slightly different Spin on the past, which is how history is. The "story" and the "truth" changes with which culture is telling it.)
I would add the ability to travel from zone to zone without the REDIOULOUS death scenes. I don't think that it is realistic to die 50K times just trying to explore.
I would tweek range to the point of being a comparable skill to EITHER melee (ANY branch of this) or Magic.
Will edit later.
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
And about the story line, I do NOT mind having to DIG around a town to find it...How about that Barman? Was he ALWAYS a barman? Never met a real barkeeper that started out in that line of work. It is normally a YOUNG person, barely old enough to drink..let alone POUR one, aiming for the STARS...OR an older person with HUGE world experiences retiring to pour the drinks he/she enjoyed as he/she was traipsing around the planet doing WILD or even insane things.
What about the things that Stable boy has seen or overheard? What about that raw materials merchant? SURELY he has bought materials from shadey people in his day!
OH the ideas on where I would put story line! And don't think that ALL of it would have to be true. Do you HONESTLY believe every fish story your Grandpa told you? Did it detract from the AWE you felt while he told about the time he caught The Big one...and his line broke (lesson learned, bring a better test line next time).
PLUS, I think it would be wild to take alts of different races and hear a SLIGHTLY different story from the same NPC or from a different civi.
I just can't WAIT to get up on top of those branches *kicks a Yubo*
What about the things that Stable boy has seen or overheard? What about that raw materials merchant? SURELY he has bought materials from shadey people in his day!
OH the ideas on where I would put story line! And don't think that ALL of it would have to be true. Do you HONESTLY believe every fish story your Grandpa told you? Did it detract from the AWE you felt while he told about the time he caught The Big one...and his line broke (lesson learned, bring a better test line next time).
PLUS, I think it would be wild to take alts of different races and hear a SLIGHTLY different story from the same NPC or from a different civi.
I just can't WAIT to get up on top of those branches *kicks a Yubo*
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
-Actual Quests.
-Oh and pets.
-Diverse spells while we are at it ,the same spells from lvl 125-250 is not really encouraging....
-A teeny bit of character specialization after lvl 100.
-Give guns enormous range (60-70) so people would consider using them for something besides some easy SP and a laugh.
-Change the Trykerland water.
-an Alchemy skill. All that useless stuff we dig up (leaves, buds, abdomens) could be made into fine potions of some sort, maybe ground into a fine powder that combined with plain mushrooms...well you get the picture
-a /train emote.
-Oh and pets.
-Diverse spells while we are at it ,the same spells from lvl 125-250 is not really encouraging....
-A teeny bit of character specialization after lvl 100.
-Give guns enormous range (60-70) so people would consider using them for something besides some easy SP and a laugh.
-Change the Trykerland water.
-an Alchemy skill. All that useless stuff we dig up (leaves, buds, abdomens) could be made into fine potions of some sort, maybe ground into a fine powder that combined with plain mushrooms...well you get the picture

-a /train emote.
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
Re: How would YOU improve this game?
I would make items linkable in the game so you did not have to use the trade window to let someone see stats or type them all out. I would also make it so you could see who all in your guild was on without having to check your friends list (maybe the name is highlighted in your guild window or something).
Lexi ~ Tryker
Raze ~ Fyros
Kharma ~ Zorai
High Officer of The Sacred Order
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
--Mahatma Gandhi
Raze ~ Fyros
Kharma ~ Zorai
High Officer of The Sacred Order
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
--Mahatma Gandhi