Chapter 2 Notes!

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Chapter 2 Notes!

Post by cerest »

Here are just a few highlights of what you can expect in Chapter Two.

****Encyclopaedia, knowledge System and the first "rites"****

*The world of Atys is vast and offers much to the brave explorer in terms of lands to be visited and discoveries to be made. In chapter 2 you will discover the encyclopaedia and knowledge system. As you travel throughout Atys you will fill your encyclopaedia with knowledge from your discoveries and information gleaned from the characters whom you meet. As you live your life on Atys you will be rewarded with wisdom and knowledge of Atys.

Through all your travels to date you will have met some of the various tribes that inhabit our world. These tribes still have a lot to teach you about Atys so you may wish to track them down and talk to them some more. Gaining the trust of these tribes and performing tasks will gain you access to a Rite of passage. Fulfill this rite for a specific reward.

The tribes on Atys live their lives in different ways and they have many different habits. There will be many different "rites" for you to discover and learn about as you expand your knowledge of the world and start to uncover its secrets. Now, more than ever, you have reason to travel far and wide through the world.


*Judging by the carnage that has been witnessed, most of you have probably already experienced a duel against friend or foe. Now you want more. Chapter 2 will bring you depth and levels to the PvP system - and this is just the beginning of what is to come. As the storyline evolves, the factions and guilds are taking a greater importance in the Saga. The time is drawing near for you to choose your allies and to take sides. You will discover areas that are dedicated PvP zones. Some are battle grounds for given factions, others are open for guild warfare or the guaranteed carnage of free for all combat.

****Guild challenges****

*Your guild has PvPed with other guild and now you're feeling untouchable - like the best of the best. That's good, you'll need to be. Is your guild able to take down the new bosses that chapter 2 brings to our world? The new chapter introduces new challenges, previously unseen on Atys. These bosses are guild challenges, offering some unique new rewards for the valiant.

****Player appearance****

*If you are tired of always sporting the same haircut, if you would like your whole guild to wear the same tattoo before going to PvP another guild, the second chapter brings the answer. Chapter 2 introduces a way for you to alter your appearance in real time in game. You will be able to change your tattoos, get new tattoos and some wild new hair styles for the image conscious. I wonder what will be the winter fashion in Yrkanis?

There is no ETA for Patch 2 yet, but stay tuned for more information!
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