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And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:42 pm
by gatineau
There are a lot of great people in these forums. Yet, in the last couple of days, I am seeing a huge increase in both personal and national insults flying around. There is no need for this.

We have a priviledged platform here, in that we can say most anything reasonable about a variety of topics without fear of censureship. Those who work for or on behalf of Nevrax cannot respond -- this is standard business practice. Lets accept the responsibility that goes with such priviledge.

Anger is better than apathy. Disagreement is healthier than unanimous agreement.

Please, lets all take a deep breath, and treat each other with the respect we expect to receive ourselves.

Smile. And have a nice day :)

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:48 pm
by pcheez
MKIPGY)*!£(&_(!£^& why you )&*!_IOHUWT Why i oughta *!*)Y"@"!%

erm... i mean hello :)
a good day to you too .

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:57 pm
by paniccia
I Agree. There is no need for insults across the boards. I understand that people are angry upset disappointed frustrated and ,well generally pissed off.One way way to express yourself is to list the reasons for your anger or disagreement with the companys decisions to change certain aspects of the game, however for me my motto is action speaks louder than words and that is why i took action by cancelling my subscription to the game. in business loss of revenue speaks louder than angry words or insults. So if you are truely that angry at Neverax then stop giving them your money , maybe they will get the hint

ps-good day to you too

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:57 pm
by gatineau
[QUOTEerm... i mean hello :)
a good day to you too .[/QUOTE]
And a ;) back at ya. Have a nice day.

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:02 pm
by amitst
Well if you have some people who haven't played the game much telling us that the forum is a good thing....and some peopel who are very experienced who understand the long term effects of this patch....

Each group wants to do as much as they can to suppress the other groups voice, and make theirs louder. No?

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:05 pm
by gatineau
amitst wrote:Each group wants to do as much as they can to suppress the other groups voice, and make theirs louder. No?
Yes, amitst, it does seem that way. I think that a better approach would be for everyone to express their views, try to keep them in context, and respect each others' opinions (I am aware that I am being niaive when I say this).

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:09 pm
by jjm152
gatineau wrote:Yes, amitst, it does seem that way. I think that a better approach would be for everyone to express their views, try to keep them in context, and respect each others' opinions (I am aware that I am being naive when I say this).
It would help if people didn't think that criticism of the game mechanics (as they currently stand) are a direct assault on their personages.

I mean c'mon... there is a petition on this board signed by 243 players that is asking for Nevrax to reconsider the combat modifications, and yet certain people persist in attempting to belittle folks who express discontent or frustration with the patch.

I know I'm pretty vocal, and I signed that petition... but those folks that signed that petition and don't post like I do are the silent majority. They are the ones who are affected but either can't or won't put it into words.

I think they rather largely outnumber the few folks on this board that seem to take great delight in driving nevrax's customers away with their snide commentary and "you must suck" attitudes.

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:18 pm
by eschiava

Mischaracterizing the situation you find yourself in does not help to resolve it. From my point of view you made certain claims, Xeno asked for specific data, you got defensive about it, Xeno pressed for more data, and then you decided that if Xeno couldn't accept that you knew what you were doing that he must think you a moron. As far as I can tell, you brought this on yourself. Now you go around to different threads making direct or indirect references to the incedent hoping for sympathy.

If I am wrong in what I have just stated, tell me where and I will correct my statements appropriately.

And to the original poster, I agree in principle with what you are saying, but often it is better (I have found at least) to go directly to particular individuals and discuss issues with them rather than painting with a broad brush on an open forum. This is not a criticism, but only an observation on my part. :)

And jjm, you might find yourself better off as well to talk with Xeno privately, offline, rather than trying to garner support against him on the forums here. Just my opinion, take it or leave it.

Miy's player

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:27 pm
by gatineau
eschiava wrote:And to the original poster, I agree in principle with what you are saying, but often it is better (I have found at least) to go directly to particular individuals and discuss issues with them
/strongly agree ... but this again requires a degree of civility, else the discussion breaks down again.

Re: And in this corner ...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:46 pm
by amitst
Miy you miss the point that jjm doesnt want to talk to xeno, I know I definitely wouldn't either. jjm expressed valid complaints that will probably soon be fixed. He was just vexed that people want to not believe him for whatever reason.