Faster Melee combat ruins Melee classes strategy.

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Faster Melee combat ruins Melee classes strategy.

Post by jjm152 »


This a topic that hasn't been touched on much with people being formost upset about monsters damages. However, its something that has *really* started to bug me.

First off, I have a lot of attack powers. I bought them becasue before patch 1 they were cool. These powers are:

Attack after Feint
Increase Damage
Attack after Dodge

Now, after this latest patch I find myself using:

Increase Damage.

That is it. The rest of my powers are more or less very worthless. For instance:

1) Feint: I have to give up an attack to use this credit in my stanzas. I cannot afford to give up an attack anymore because if I blink I can get wiped out. Hence, Feint is something that cost me 50 SP to buy that I will never use ever again (atleast the way things are now).

2) Attack after Dodge: Because fights are so short now I don't even dodge once in many of them against enemies lower level than me. Mostly I don't dodge period. I have 4 upgrades to this ability and its worthless. Completely worthless. Before the patch it was a great power, now its not even worth thinking about buying. Can't we find some middle ground here???

3) Attack after Parry: Same problem as Attack after Dodge. Parry doesn't happen very much anymore and the fights are so short that there are less opportunities to even check for a parry. Complete poo.

4) Attack after critical hit. Once again, fights last so short now that the chances of the parameters being met for you to use this attack are so statistically insignificant you might as well just pass on it. It wasn't a great attack to begin with, now it just stinks on ice.

5) Bleed. Bleed *used* to be a real cool power, and practically the only reason to use a sword compared to a pike. However due to the fact that fights are over so quickly, the "damage ticks" done by bleed are almost inconsequential.

Also some other things:

Circle attack! I used to use circle attack for keeping aggro on myself so that the healers could do their job. Now I won't even bother to touch this button anymore because getting more than 1 thing on me at a time is instant death. I actually have maximum HP i can have for my level as well as HP gear that doubles that, and I still can't maintain aggro from 2 monsters below my level for more than a few seconds. People I play with just can't heal me that fast.

The whole situtation isn't just >harder< its practically unplayable and is definately devoid of fun. Well its fun if your idea of playing a game is:

1) Pull single monster
2) Spam increased damage.

That is not my idea of fun, the combat system before was actually pretty good and gave you alot of options to build different types of fighters. Now its all "spam increased damage for the win".

It's boring and crappy.

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Re: Faster Melee combat ruins Melee classes strategy.

Post by keriann »

I TOTALLY agree. it's crap.
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Re: Faster Melee combat ruins Melee classes strategy.

Post by eschiava »

While I am learning to adapt to the combat system as it is, and I do occasionally attack after dodge or critical, and I use bleed at least once or twice per mob, I to would appreciate if the pace of combat were slowed some. I miss the opportunity to make tactical decisions during a fight and would welcome the return of that opportunity.
- Miyann, Hunter Mage of Matis
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Re: Faster Melee combat ruins Melee classes strategy.

Post by rotor »

I completely agree.
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Re: Faster Melee combat ruins Melee classes strategy.

Post by keriann »

well guys look at the bright side.. MONDAY THERE IS WOW OPEN BETA! :D
goodbye ryzom~ goodbye~
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