Hello from NA =)

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Hello from NA =)

Post by stellus »

Hello friends from France. I am not able to speak, write, or read French so I apologize in advance for making a post in a foreign language on your community boards. I will try having it translated by an online web dictionary, though it may turn out ugly.

I am curious as to how the French community feels about the new Patch 1. The NA community gets a lot of visits from the Euro-English and German boards and we hear a lot of opinions from them on the status of the game, however we do not hear too much from our friends in France. I would enjoy hearing your input on this new Patch.

What are your opinions on the new Patch? Is it well accepted in your community?

The NA community has been struggling to find peace with the new Patch and there have been several negative opinions on its outcome. Is your community handling it any better?

Thank you! =)

Bonjour amis de France. Je ne peux pas parler, écrire, ou lire français ainsi je fais des excuses à l'avance pour faire un poteau dans une langue étrangère sur vos conseils de la communauté. J'essayerai de l'avoir ai traduit par un dictionnaire en ligne d'enchaînement, bien qu'il puisse s'avérer laid. Je suis curieux quant à ce que la communauté française pense de la nouvelle pièce rapportée 1. La communauté de Na obtient beaucoup de visites du euro-english et les conseils et nous allemands entendons beaucoup d'avis d'eux sur le statut du jeu, toutefois nous n'entendons pas trop de nos amis en France. J'aurais plaisir à entendre votre entrée sur cette nouvelle pièce rapportée. Quels sont vos avis sur la nouvelle pièce rapportée ? Est-ce que on l'accepte puits dans votre communauté ? La communauté de Na avait lutté pour trouver la paix avec la nouvelle pièce rapportée et à avoir été là plusieurs avis négatifs sur ses résultats. Votre communauté les manipule-t-elle mieux ? Merci ! =)
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by archan1 »

Je trouve que c'est une excelente initiative de ta part .

Je trouve que le patch 1 est extra sauf pour le combat qui donne au guerrrier un role de bouclier humain et au healer un role de semi-dieu. La puissance des mobs est demesurer par rapport a nos point de vie .............Je trouvais normal qu'un mob lvl 250++ arrive a te tuer en 1,2 voir 3 coup mais qu'un mob de ton niveau le fasse je trouve ca abuser..........
Je ne dis pas que les combat du debut etait bien (trop facile) mais la c trop abusé.Voila j'espere qu'il trouverons un juste milieu .

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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by mozart »

Well, you know, always the same "Bla bla bla now I sux bla bla bla Gimme back the old one it was better bla bla bla Now I am useless bla bla bla The game is too hard bla bla bla You are killing the game bla bla bla Please stop kidding yourself bla bla bla" and so on.

The daily routine here in Aniro !

Oh, and Google Translate is... well, Google Translate is sort of funny sometimes.
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by bidochon »

Hey Stellus

Patch 1 has suprised a lot, and counting positive / negative threads around, i d say about 80% of the french community were kinda upset.

All mobs overpowered, magic insanely resisted, harvesting becoming a group activity, and so on.
One of the main point that have been raised is surely the fact that soloing wasn t viable anymore (not to say possible).

Patch 1 meant = you have to change your wandering/fight habits, but players arent pleased to do it in one shot.
French community is kinda "hot" ;) and reacted violently

Some nasty bugs also bothered people a lot (gauntlets crafting bugged, items transfer from inv/mektoub/appartment, etc..) making the game useless for some.IT s getting fixed one by one.
So we had like 24 crazy hours on the board/in game, with all kind of colorful words exchanged.

After 3 days and patch 20, some keep whining but things are setting up slowly. Players are testing spells new behavior and such.
The game seems still playable :)

Hugs from France :)
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by stellus »

Thanks for the responses. The NA reaction is almost identical to what Bidochon said above. The first 24 hours of Patch 1, players had their pitchforks and torches ready. Things are starting to calm down a little bit, but a lot of people are still upset about the change in combat. A lot of us were enjoying the old way better and we're a bit worried as to what the community will be like after 2 weeks from now.
Merci pour les réponses. La réaction de Na est presque identique à quel Bidochon a indiqué en haut. Les 24 premières heures de la pièce rapportée 1, les joueurs ont eu leurs fourches et torches prêtes. Les choses commencent à calmer vers le bas un peu, mais un bon nombre de gens sont encore dérangés au sujet du changement du combat. Beaucoup de nous appréciaient la vieille manière mieux et we're que un peu s'est inquiété quant à ce que sera la communauté comme après 2 semaines dès maintenant.

(I'm sure these translated quotes are quite butchered. Apologies)
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by oxylog »

The french forum has been transformed in a real battlefield where you can find two opposite camps :

- The "angry-men", that are not very happy to the patch 1 and that just telling it and the "youpi youpi-mens" that are just flooding that some peoples are just idiots that's always complaining :p , the things is that we're not focus on the probably patch 1 changes but focus on the "youpi-youpi-men" versus the "angry-men" (lol)
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by kephri »

Hello Stellus,

Situation is nearly the same as you described, mostly warriors are quite upset about the new patch 1. However most wizards that I know are kind of satisfied with it, including me :) . I've heard some complaints about harvest too, some highly-skilled harvesters are a bit disappointed now because they feel it is too easy now to get a bunch of raw materials, which I understand, and I've heard a similar comment from a high level healer. Now everybody is hopefully calming down :)

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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by elenae »

Well, I personnally think Patch 1 was a good and necessary thing, and that it was done wisely. This s my own opinion, but Most guys shooted to death, left, ate their dog (poor petties!) and did not try to really test it.
I thought it was specially a "french attitude" if this was similar on other servers I do apologize to my Country-mates for things i said. But i still consider that reaction from both side were too fast (from players first, then from technical services to change the game ).
Some r still geting mad but most are now a bit cooler with that version of ryzom :)

With Patch 00020? What s the opinion of other communities ? :)
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by massovit »

c'est la qu'on vois le nombre de vrais anglophones sur les 200 joueurs qui frequentent ce forum :)

je savais pas qu'ils nous appelaient "bidochon", marrant ca :)
it is which one see the number of anglophone on the 200 players who read this forum :) I did not know that they called us "bidochon", that's funny :)
ps: je suis moi meme tres mauvais en anglais, et le google translator est pas genial, desolé :p
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Re: Hello from NA =)

Post by kalaan »

Bodichon c'est celui de Pouffie, mais je suis d'accord, a lire comme ca dans le texte ca fait bizarre :)
Jiino, éclaireur
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