Idea's fixes and thoughts..a list
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:27 pm
Well the patch is not too bad but thats not really what this post is about this is about things i have noticed that i feel could use some tweeking, here they are
1. Blind.. blind works as it should now except if its blind y does it still walk straight towards u? i feel it should wonder about a bit more unless ur making noises like fighting it.
2. Sleep.. sleep does just that and works nicely except.. it shouldnt agro when it wakes, i feel that it should sleep for about 30secs and if u want to pass by the sleeping mob while in agro range then u should have to WALK to keep quiet and not wake it but if u run it wakes and of course agros u as u r in agro range but if ur outside agro range it shouldnt chase u (after all it was asleep so how did it know u were there? )
3. Madness.. also works well but this should also make the mobs attack other mobs in close prximity to it e.g if 2 mobs attack u and u mad one of them it should be as likely to attack the other mob the same as u or itself, and the attacked mob can decide who to attack u or its friend
4. Stun.. might be just a bit bugged but when i stun something it still walks towards me.. ER? stunned things cant decide whats up or down so y can it still walk?
5. Resists on affliction spells is silly as is the length of time they last. e.g. cast lvl 5 madness on a lesser izam and it lasts about 20 secs after that u cant cast on it again with the same affliction as it resists it , that silly and going on that basis shouldnt offensive spells also be resisted after 1 or 2 hits?
6. Compass Target..When u select target in compass and the mob dies it reverts back to pointing north, please stop this i want it to stay on target so when i target another mob i dont want to have to keep going to compass to get its distance from me, please change this so it stays on 'target'.
7. Concentrate.. A great idea i like it BUT... the costs added to spells is way too high, would be fine if u lowered the cost of casting the basic spell but u didnt, now we have to find another 65 odd points from somewhere fo just lvl 5,needs a little balancing.Also adding it seems to make matters worse not better , have a look when making spells at the % failure, it goes down adding concentrate not up :/
8. Mob corpses.. wow! they vanish so fast that as a mage i have difficulty getting to them before they vanish.And y dont frahar drop loot? are they special?
9. Destroyed outposts.. acts like the buildings are still there but theres nothing there anymore.. used to have piles of broken buildings but now nothing :/
10. View gets stuck on horizontal plane and u cant look up or down until u waggle ur mouse around like a deranged madman.
11. Fighters/mages leveling too fast? u increased the damage they do and we do but this hasnt really solved anything, best way to make people lvl slower would have been to increase the mobs hp, eg kizoars have way too little hp so y not double or triple it (eg vigilants) because if it takes twice as long to kill it will do twice as much damage and take u twice as long to lvl, i understand that some mobs didnt hit hard enough but that shouldnt mean that u cant solo a yubo, cant believe u thought double damage on all mobs would help matters :/
12. Agro range.. why are some mobs now agroing from over 150metres away? lol if this is too common u wont be able to explore anything,e.g. stand west of clopper hill where people always went to kill scary cloppers and as soon as u get to that spot 7 dangerous cloppers come from over 150m away to agro u? wtf?
13. Something to mark out fellow guild members in a crowd, u just cant find them.
Well i shall leave it at that for the moment although i have other ideas these i feel are the most constructive and important, im not a harvester or really a crafter so if one or 2 of u types would like to add ur list (not complaints) to this thread it may prove useful to others
but please read all this thread before submitting a post we dont need lots of the same idea over and over.
thankyou for ur time
1. Blind.. blind works as it should now except if its blind y does it still walk straight towards u? i feel it should wonder about a bit more unless ur making noises like fighting it.
2. Sleep.. sleep does just that and works nicely except.. it shouldnt agro when it wakes, i feel that it should sleep for about 30secs and if u want to pass by the sleeping mob while in agro range then u should have to WALK to keep quiet and not wake it but if u run it wakes and of course agros u as u r in agro range but if ur outside agro range it shouldnt chase u (after all it was asleep so how did it know u were there? )
3. Madness.. also works well but this should also make the mobs attack other mobs in close prximity to it e.g if 2 mobs attack u and u mad one of them it should be as likely to attack the other mob the same as u or itself, and the attacked mob can decide who to attack u or its friend

4. Stun.. might be just a bit bugged but when i stun something it still walks towards me.. ER? stunned things cant decide whats up or down so y can it still walk?
5. Resists on affliction spells is silly as is the length of time they last. e.g. cast lvl 5 madness on a lesser izam and it lasts about 20 secs after that u cant cast on it again with the same affliction as it resists it , that silly and going on that basis shouldnt offensive spells also be resisted after 1 or 2 hits?
6. Compass Target..When u select target in compass and the mob dies it reverts back to pointing north, please stop this i want it to stay on target so when i target another mob i dont want to have to keep going to compass to get its distance from me, please change this so it stays on 'target'.
7. Concentrate.. A great idea i like it BUT... the costs added to spells is way too high, would be fine if u lowered the cost of casting the basic spell but u didnt, now we have to find another 65 odd points from somewhere fo just lvl 5,needs a little balancing.Also adding it seems to make matters worse not better , have a look when making spells at the % failure, it goes down adding concentrate not up :/
8. Mob corpses.. wow! they vanish so fast that as a mage i have difficulty getting to them before they vanish.And y dont frahar drop loot? are they special?
9. Destroyed outposts.. acts like the buildings are still there but theres nothing there anymore.. used to have piles of broken buildings but now nothing :/
10. View gets stuck on horizontal plane and u cant look up or down until u waggle ur mouse around like a deranged madman.
11. Fighters/mages leveling too fast? u increased the damage they do and we do but this hasnt really solved anything, best way to make people lvl slower would have been to increase the mobs hp, eg kizoars have way too little hp so y not double or triple it (eg vigilants) because if it takes twice as long to kill it will do twice as much damage and take u twice as long to lvl, i understand that some mobs didnt hit hard enough but that shouldnt mean that u cant solo a yubo, cant believe u thought double damage on all mobs would help matters :/
12. Agro range.. why are some mobs now agroing from over 150metres away? lol if this is too common u wont be able to explore anything,e.g. stand west of clopper hill where people always went to kill scary cloppers and as soon as u get to that spot 7 dangerous cloppers come from over 150m away to agro u? wtf?
13. Something to mark out fellow guild members in a crowd, u just cant find them.
Well i shall leave it at that for the moment although i have other ideas these i feel are the most constructive and important, im not a harvester or really a crafter so if one or 2 of u types would like to add ur list (not complaints) to this thread it may prove useful to others

thankyou for ur time
