Harvesting Changes

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Harvesting Changes

Post by lawrence »

Based on player feedback in regards to the Foraging changes introduced with Patch 1, the developers are currently working on some adjustments. These changes will take effect in the next patch.

[Major changes]

- All extractions will yield larger quantities than before.

- In order to reduce downtimes, the focus used in an extraction session regenerates immediately at the end of the session. It is still important to manage your focus during long foraging sessions and to choose your actions carefully. Focus consumed in prospecting and crafting are not regenerated at the end of extraction sessions. Focus consumed in this way regenerates over time in the same way as hit points, sap or stamina.

- The XP gained from prospecting and curative forage actions has been balanced against the XP gained from extraction actions. The XP is now shared evenly between the extractor, source healers and prospectors.

- The gentle extracting stanzas are now noticeably more gentle than the harmful ones.

[Minor changes]

- The quantity or quality drops that used to occur frequently ("hard luck, you failed/spoiled...") now no longer occurs, unless the extractor's level is significantly lower than the level of material that they're trying to extract.

- Explosions and other disasters now only occur if extractors continue to use extracting actions when the indicator bars get dangerously low. Previously it was possible for a source in the critical zone to 'topple' into a disaster without provocation.
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