Terrible lagg....
Re: Terrible lagg....
Aye, Zora is terrible, typical patch day blues.bullough wrote:Anybody else got that?
Re: Terrible lagg....
bullough wrote:Anybody else got that?
Might it be the thousands (lol exagerating a bit here) people downloading the patch?

Re: Terrible lagg....
iv been waiting for the "please wait" box to disapear for 5min now ^^
Name: Waya | Race: Zorai | Location: Arispotle (Sweden)
Re: Terrible lagg....
I was spendin' points as I lagged an' all. Will be murder if have mispent em!shazzy wrote:eep lagged out totally.
Re: Terrible lagg....
ecclest wrote:Me finks it's dead now....
Aye lagged out now cant get back on.. maybe thier SQL database couldnt handle all that SP distribution

Re: Terrible lagg....
I thought it couldnt be right them done in less then 15 hours with the patch. Seems they just wanted to scare everyone with a VERY hard version before they put in a version that is playable.
Tryker Crafter
Q200 Jewels, Q180 armor, Q200 amps crafter and user.
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Tryker Crafter
Q200 Jewels, Q180 armor, Q200 amps crafter and user.
Proud member of [url=evolve.guildportal.com]Evolution[/url]